Sorry I missed out on the Front Page News reunion...Dallas was obviously THE place to be for this show!
I found the performance here in Phoenix a little sad as well. I couldnt help but think back to the last time I had seen O:M in its entirety, when QR played to sold-out stadiums with a massive stage production and the other half of the setlist absolutely ROCKED. Other random thoughts:
* 20-minute intermission: WTF?? There were already plenty of opportunities during O:MII for concession stand runs and bathroom breaks. It was a school night for some of us
and I would have rather had the extra 20 minutes to get home earlier and catch a few more zzzzzzz's. (Oh, hell, maybe Im just getting old
* Geoff Tate: Sounded good on the old stuff and excellent on the new material (which is obviously better suited to his range these days).
* The Dio Track: Huge, huge disappointment. OK, I knew the Dio vocals would be taped, but
where the hell was Geoff during this song?
* The Crowd: Excellent. If the show wasnt sold out, it was close. Not only was the entire crowd on their feet during all of O:M I, almost everyone was on their feet for all of O:MII as well.
* Dual-guitar work from Wilton and Stone:
* Encore: Walk in the Shadows and Jet City Woman.

Oh, to hear a live performance of Take Hold of the Flame, Queen of the Reich, or The Lady Wore Black again
* Bottom line: After seeing the Building Empires tour in Nashville, TN all those years ago, a friend and I drove to Lexington, KY because we just had to see the show ONE MORE TIME. Im glad I went to this show, but probably wouldnt purchase another concert ticket much less a tank of gas or a plane ticket to see it again.