
I personally don't give a shite what Geoff Tate has said, will say, is saying about metal and musical direction. Obviously if you like the older stuff you will want to see the show, if you don't give a shite, then why post here in the first place!
Jeffy can be quite a jackass, and that's a confirmed fact. However, I think the Ryche still puts on a great live show, and I'm excited about this one because, thanks to Ticketbastard, I missed the Empire tour. I seriously questioned going to see them back in... damn, I guess that was on the Q2K tour, so I suppose 2000, in large part for the reasons outlined above, but I finally went and realized that all that stuff doesn't matter as long as I enjoy the show.

Are they as good live as they were in '89 or even in '95? I don't know that I'd go that far, but they're still a damn sight better than at least 95% of what's out there, and they always make an effort to put on a _show_. When I don't enjoy seeing them anymore, then I'l quit going. It really has nothing to do with the "mindcrime 2" thing or their ability to put out quality new stuff.

Then again, ask me how long it was before I quit going to see Kiss. :) Still debating on whether to be a cancan girl or Gene for Halloween--it depends on which costume fits me best. :D
SoNofBitcH said:
i dont see how youd have time to make it for the shadow's fall show. i chewed the guy from the masquerade out about it. i doubt youd make it in time to see the haunted or shadow's fall. and i know everybody could care less about seeing DamageSuck. it just better not fuck up the turnout for QR. too bad it's not at earthlink live. i hate luckie street, not to mention getting on it
I just hate having to pay out the ass for parking "down there."

Might be a moot point for me, anyway, since I'm feeling pretty sick and might not feel "up" for either show. (The sacrifices one makes for metal...it was one of my fellow WREKage deejays that got me sick, during last Friday's show. :confused: )

As for Geoff and his...foibles......I thought his hypocrisy was pretty evident when, for some Earth Day event years ago, he started slagging the dairy industry and telling us how milk was bad for you, how DARE they foist it off on the American public.......while he was chain-smoking. :tickled: :ill:
Pellaz said:
As for Geoff and his...foibles......I thought his hypocrisy was pretty evident when, for some Earth Day event years ago, he started slagging the dairy industry and telling us how milk was bad for you, how DARE they foist it off on the American public.......while he was chain-smoking. :tickled: :ill:
That's probably the best thing about being a rock star. You can spout off whatever crap you want to, and you don't have to make sense and can even contradict yourself. Then, if you're good enough, you can set your ramblings to a good riff and sell tons of records! :loco:

Gotta love it! :Spin:

Hope you're feeling well enough to make the show tonight, Paul. Also, if any other locals are interested, I have two extra tickets for sale at face value ($25). Post or e-mail if you want 'em, otherwise they get sold back to the box office.

Pellaz said:
As for Geoff and his...foibles......I thought his hypocrisy was pretty evident when, for some Earth Day event years ago, he started slagging the dairy industry and telling us how milk was bad for you, how DARE they foist it off on the American public.......while he was chain-smoking. :tickled: :ill:
I was pleasantly surprised the other night that the political comments were kept to a minimum. I thought, with the content of O:M, he might really go off on a rant or something, but not much was said, in the way of politics, outside of the storyline. I really hate when I think I've bought a ticket to a concert and end up at a rally of some sort. I don't care if I agree with you or not, just shut up and sing.

BTW, it was a very good show. Geoff doesn't have to be a metalhead to put on a good performance, imo.
I, too, was surprised we didn't get any political bally-hooing. What we *did* get was a kick-ass show... I'm kind of glad I'm a cynic, because I was *very* pleasantly surprised by a few things. Personally, despite a few moments I didn't really care for (i.e., during part of Silent Lucidty), I think the guitars have improved _greatly_, and I was really very impressed by the overall performance of the whole band and Pamela Moore.

If I could have talked Mike and Tracie into it (and I tried very hard), we would have been at tonight's show. And I may still try working on them for Myrtle Beach...

And it was cool to meet you, Kim K and "Mtl"! lol
lady_space said:
I, too, was surprised we didn't get any political bally-hooing. What we *did* get was a kick-ass show... I'm kind of glad I'm a cynic, because I was *very* pleasantly surprised by a few things. Personally, despite a few moments I didn't really care for (i.e., during part of Silent Lucidty), I think the guitars have improved _greatly_, and I was really very impressed by the overall performance of the whole band and Pamela Moore.

If I could have talked Mike and Tracie into it (and I tried very hard), we would have been at tonight's show. And I may still try working on them for Myrtle Beach...

And it was cool to meet you, Kim K and "Mtl"! lol

A real pleasure to meet you too, although I'm a bit crushed about the Gamma Ray thing :eek: . J/K. Hope you make it to SC for the show.
Saw the show in Winston-Salem last night. Not bad. Tate can still sing very well and the new guitarist is much better than the last fill in for DeGarmo. The opening set was fairly mediocre, but the Operation: Mindcrime set was excellent.
I saw the show a the Tabernacle too, and enjoyed it, though not as much as i was hoping. Everything they played outside of O:M and one fairly weak song off of Tribe was a ballad; i would have preferred a few more of the harder songs from the early albums. Also, unless i was going absolutely crazy, there were a couple instances (and i realize Pamela Moore was doing backing vocals, that isn't what i'm talking about) where Geoff was somehow hitting a long, high note while his mouth wasn't anywhere near a microphone, if you know what i mean.
But the performance of O:M was quite enjoyable.
Didn't much care for the new song.

They definitely were using backing tracks, and were fairly obvious about it. For the backing vox, too.

As for the setlist, what you say is technically true I guess, but then again, I love Empire, so... :)