Question about 7 strings


Nov 9, 2005
New-Brunswick, Canada
I'm looking to buy a 7-string guitar but I don't even know where to start looking. I don't want a double-locking tremolo, I would prefer either a fixed bridge or a simple tremolo system like a strat or something.

Oh yeah, I don't wanna end up paying fuckloads either. Any advice or suggestions would help.
Thanks! I'm still gonna wait for more feedback before making my ultimate decision though. Another thing I forgot to mention, it MUST have 24 frets, no less. The guitar I own at the moment is a Jackson KE3 Kelly and it's got a compound fretboard 12" - 14" radius and a thin neck. I doubt I'll find a 7 with a compound fretboard but I like the fretboard to curve alot.
Please feel free to post some with double locking trems too if you want. The only reason I don't want one is cause they're too pricy :S but if you know of a model with a decent price I'd definitely go for it.
Well, a guy over at jemsite is selling a used green dot Universe for $850, which is a killer deal..The universe is kinda like the holy grail of 7 strings..

othar than that, there are the newer 7620's:

If you can come up with a few hundred more bucks I'd say jump on this:

Just found this, a lower end rg7421 non-floyd Ibanez.

and I forgot about the Ibanez rg 7321, its also a fixed bridge, not sure the price though, similar to the rg 7421..

Also, Carvin makes some pritty sick 7 strings (Hey, if there good enough For Tony MacAlpine!!)
There are other great guitars out there, but Ibanez just seems to have what you want, for the money.

As far as the Washburn, yeah, its a good guitar for the money, don't get me wrong. But, even as 76 stated, you have to change the pickups, which is at least $100-150 right there, and now your into the price range of a good, used Ibanez.
everyone here is ibanez fans i love my ibanez but the necks just cant compete w/ 80s jap strats i promise play one w/ a humbucker in it and youll never play anything else again