Question about ATH M50 Headphones


Nov 4, 2008
I´m on the market for a headphone and after some research it seems that I can´t go wrong with ATH M50. As it is around $520 here (I´m not kidding) I´m going to import it from Amazon. Problem is that they have 3 products with the same name (and slightly different prices), and I can´t decide which is the "right" one. Here are the links.




Can you guys help me out? Not sure if this matter, but I don´t need a very long cable and I like P10 ("1/4") more than P2 ("3.5mm") connector.
One version comes with coiled cord and the other is straight cord. Jack is combo connector, removeable 1/4 end.

Got it. So the ATH-M50s (first link) is the one I want (I don´t like coiled cord). Gonna order, thanks! :kickass:

Still can´t see the difference between the second and third link, as they both claim to be just ATH-M50... Amazon can be weird sometimes.
Sorry to hear that man, sucks. They're worth what I paid for them, but not that...

They're great headphones nevertheless, I highly recommend them!

I was lucky that the US Amazon (the one that I linked) send this type of product to Brazil. It´s pretty rare for these mega stores to ship tech gear outside US/Canada. In the end it cost me "only" $170 ($113 product + $57 shipping). Much more affordable than the crazy $520 that regular import stores charges here :rolleyes:

You should see how much we would pay to import a Triple Rectifier and a Mesa cab :Puke:

Well, at least we have cheap bananas and watermelons :lol:
Yeah man.. importing to Brazil sucks. I know it very well.
Btw, tenho um par de M50 e são fantásticos pelo valor. Comprei no eBay há 1 ano mais ou menos. Abraços!
What do you think he meant by watermelons? fruit?

Get Grado. Period.

I find that the Grado line is more suited for personal/home listening. Their lower models seem to be harsh sometimes even when your source is equalized to prevent that.

I've owned a pair of m50's for quite some time and they're very good. They need some time to "burn in" but they're well worth the time and especially money. Quite comfortable as well. If you need to do more intricate recording or monitoring, there are some better and more expensive models however.

If you want to use them for home listening, the m50's plus a good amplifier are fantastic.
How long it takes to burn-in M50s? Does it really change anything?

I am not entirely satisfied with their sound right out of the box :confused:
they will become better after some time? still hoping that all this burning-in thing is not just audiophile bullshit.
Anyway I have no other option but to keep them,I can't afford more expensive cans,and I doubt there is anything better than m50 in this price range.
How long it takes to burn-in M50s? Does it really change anything?

I am not entirely satisfied with their sound right out of the box :confused:
they will become better after some time? still hoping that all this burning-in thing is not just audiophile bullshit.
Anyway I have no other option but to keep them,I can't afford more expensive cans,and I doubt there is anything better than m50 in this price range.

A lot of people claim bullshit on the whole "burn-in" theory. However, if you think of it such as breaking in a new pair of shoes or a leather jacket, it can somewhat makes sense lol. The headphone drivers are basicly moving coils(for "dynamic" headphones) and aren't as responsive as they should be right after manufacturing. However, once they have played a range of frequencies after several hours of use, the drivers respond better to those frequencies, provided that they actually can respond to the frequencies as the manufacturer states.
It was a good purchase. They´re really confortable even while wearing glasses (don´t hurt the ears), nice combo plug, perfect cable lenght (I can even go to the bathroom with it) and the bass is great. I never owned the ultra expensive headphones to compare, but so far this one is a very solid product and a great bang for the buck.
I've been using m30 before for about 1 year,it has the same combo plug,but i didn't know it was there,thought it was just standard jack.I only found out when i got m50 :D
Have you tried the HFI 450s? I have two of those and they work great for me at least and they are around the same price if not less. Long cable and 1/8-1/4 adapter. Mix/edit late nights and then go back and balance back and forth between the cans and monitors during the day

If you're set on the M50s then ignore this post lol
Have you tried the HFI 450s? I have two of those and they work great for me at least and they are around the same price if not less. Long cable and 1/8-1/4 adapter. Mix/edit late nights and then go back and balance back and forth between the cans and monitors during the day

If you're set on the M50s then ignore this post lol

I think they're a pretty decent set of headphones for the price. However, I've had a few problems with them and their customer service so hopefully that's just an isolated experience.