Question about chains at Progpower....


Fantasy Princess
Sep 13, 2002
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My fiance always wears a wallet chain all the time, but always has to take it off for getting in concerts, themeparks ect. So our big question is, will ProgPower allow it in? If so, then what is the regulation size? Or are they gonna think the man is gonna go mad and start thrashing everyone with it??? lol. :loco: :hotjump: :headbang:
Don't know about chains, but whips are definitely encouraged...
LadyLovelyLocks said:
My fiance always wears a wallet chain all the time, but always has to take it off for getting in concerts, themeparks ect. So our big question is, will ProgPower allow it in?
The wallet chain will probably be OK, but there ain't no way that his big rig is going to fit into the parking garage at the venue.

Jim LotFP said:
Elfquest dammit. Elfquest. :p

Don't wear the gauntlets. Give us prog fags something new to sneer at and mock when we get back. No chains either - those are so last year. Be original. The elf ears would be awesome, but we'd actually have to witness them in our overly judgmental way.

Joe-× said:
Don't wear the gauntlets. Give us prog fags something new to sneer at and mock when we get back. No chains either - those are so last year. Be original. The elf ears would be awesome, but we'd actually have to witness them in our overly judgmental way.


She wore them the year Blind Guardian played. "Elf Ears" was what I was calling her trying to figure out who she was after the show. :p
Jim LotFP said:
She wore them the year Blind Guardian played. "Elf Ears" was what I was calling her trying to figure out who she was after the show. :p
Oh, crap. Was she crying, too?
