Question about pornogrind/goregrind


smudged corpse paint
May 15, 2018
As like any other person I was a bit disgusted when I discovered it. My friend said pornogrind bands are just joke/meme bands but are there some artists who are serious about the suggestive themes they implement in their music?
I’m pretty sure most people that play extreme metal aren’t very serious about their lyrical content. They’d simply be in jail or dead.

Goregrind is all about taking the gross Carcass laid out (and maybe even Cannibal Corpse) and cranking it up to levels of ridiculousness, usually sacrificing the skill the originals had in the process.
It’s definitely tongue in cheek, possibly tongue in ass.
A guy I vaguely know does some particularly sadistic songs. He said they relate to an incident where he found some fucked up shit on the internet as a young teen, and then the police turned up and found his Dad had a notebook with addresses to websites with even more fucked up shit. So I guess that's kinda serious in a way.
I mean no one is going to change your mind if you like them but I’ll explain why I dont.

Haven’t heard any of their new stuff, I’m most familiar with songs like “Rain”, “Pall Harder on the Strings” and “Like Light to Flies” as I have a friend that was a fan. The harsh vocals are by far the worst part - sounds like he’s straining while taking a shit or is extremely constipated. They’re painful in a bad way and it’s no wonder he stopped doing them. The riffs are passable I guess but hardly a highlight. I don’t find anything about their songwriting very engaging - it’s all very standard and passionless to me. There is also a lot of mid- late 90s Gothenburg apping in this stuff with even more faux aggression. Not a bad thing if you’re a fan of that sound I guess, but I am not. Having said that, with better vocals I wouldn’t find them to be completely unlistenable.

Not that I particularly enjoy grind music either outside of World Downfall, Horrified, early Carcass and some Impetigo.
I mean no one is going to change your mind if you like them but I’ll explain why I dont.

Haven’t heard any of their new stuff, I’m most familiar with songs like “Rain”, “Pall Harder on the Strings” and “Like Light to Flies” as I have a friend that was a fan. The harsh vocals are by far the worst part - sounds like he’s straining while taking a shit or is extremely constipated. They’re painful in a bad way and it’s no wonder he stopped doing them. The riffs are passable I guess but hardly a highlight. I don’t find anything about their songwriting very engaging - it’s all very standard and passionless to me. There is also a lot of mid- late 90s Gothenburg apping in this stuff with even more faux aggression. Not a bad thing if you’re a fan of that sound I guess, but I am not. Having said that, with better vocals I wouldn’t find them to be completely unlistenable.

Not that I particularly enjoy grind music either outside of World Downfall, Horrified, early Carcass and some Impetigo.

If your opinion on the band is based off 3 songs on an album that was released almost 15 years ago then you can fuck right off with that shit
^ Thank you. If this thread gets derailed into another Opeth talk then we're truly lost.

Surgical Disembowelment is a classic. I actually started appreciating some really retarded shit lately, the more retarded the better, like Gruesome Bodyparts Autopsy, Hypermenorrea, Vomitoma, but stuff doesn't have to be this way.

There's days when there's no better shit to blast than some stupid gorenoise, fuck the haters.
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It’s their most coherent definitely. But Morningrise is my personal favourite.

If your opinion on the band is based off 3 songs on an album that was released almost 15 years ago then you can fuck right off with that shit

Always so defensive. I said they were the songs I’m most familiar with not that they are the only ones I have heard. I’ve heard their first two. I understand they’ve changed their sound and made it clear that my assessment was based on their early work.

I don’t really understand why they became so much more popular than many other metalcore bands around the same time. But then again, I don’t understand a lot of what becomes popular in metal.
People who think that Grace Under Fire is the best Rush album are beyond help. There's no point in arguing with them about music.