Question about PP not selling out


Jan 21, 2006
Ok, so i dont want to start a flame war or anything. But its pretty obvious that this PP will probably NOT be a sellout.

what will that mean?

Do we not get obscure bands anymore? do we Not get PP anymore? what do you guys think?
corvinus said:
Ok, so i dont want to start a flame war or anything. But its pretty obvious that this PP will probably NOT be a sellout.


I think its an absurd observation. I think some people are spoiled in that it didn't sell out within a week. We have FIVE months to go and only 70+ tickets to sell. If any other festival in the States (on our level) would have already sold 1,100+ (out of 1,200) tickets within the first two weeks, everyone would be calling it a smashing success.

How will it effect me next year? Not one damn bit. I have already stated that this year was unique by design for various reasons and that I forsee a return to the "standard" formula next year. The obscure bands and WTF bands will always be a part of the lineup.

Glenn H.
corvinus said:
Ok, so i dont want to start a flame war or anything. But its pretty obvious that this PP will probably NOT be a sellout.

what will that mean?

Do we not get obscure bands anymore? do we Not get PP anymore? what do you guys think?

I have a two step process that will make you feel all better.

1. Stand on your head.

2. Have your boyfriend upend a 5 gallon bucket on your crotch to wash all the sand out of your vagina.

There! All better!
Harvester said:
I have already stated that this year was unique by design for various reasons and that I forsee a return to the "standard" formula next year.
Glenn H.


I'm VERY curious about next year. Can't wait! :loco:

And for this "not selling out" thing.... I really do believe by September we will have a sell out. If not, there is going to be 10 - 20 tickets left at the most.
But anyways, what's wrong with that? .... some people were very pessimist (is this a right word in english?), and now, less than 10% to sell out. Sounds better than their expectations... doesn't it?? Pretty good. :cool:
huh? ...which bands are 'obscure'? I had heard of every one of the bands before this year's lineup was announced. I may not have a cd from every one of them. I may not want a cd from every one of them. That being said, I have also said elsewhere on this forum that this year's PP stands to be the greatest one ever. And I have my gold badge to help promote it. :Smug:
Okay here is my $.02 worth, I live in El Paso Texas the asshole of the States, but we do have one thing going here, there is a 450 person contingent of German soldiers stationed here, along with about 400 troops from other European nations, well guess what, they were unaware of the festival until i brought to the attention of one of the German friends of mine. He is going to post it in their little weekly information paper. He said he could almost guarantee about 40- 50 of them going now that they know about it. he also said most of them go to Wacken every year unless overseas or what not. so there will in all most likelyhood be alot of tickets sold next week.
Pyramaze51 said:
Okay here is my $.02 worth, I live in El Paso Texas the asshole of the States, but we do have one thing going here, there is a 450 person contingent of German soldiers stationed here, along with about 400 troops from other European nations, well guess what, they were unaware of the festival until i brought to the attention of one of the German friends of mine. He is going to post it in their little weekly information paper. He said he could almost guarantee about 40- 50 of them going now that they know about it. he also said most of them go to Wacken every year unless overseas or what not. so there will in all most likelyhood be alot of tickets sold next week.

Oh wow. That's awesome. Euro dudes at a Euro fest should be quite appropriate.

I am completely confident that the final 70 tickets will be sold, no matter to whom. And if not, I'm still going, and that's all that matters to me!:headbang:
corvinus said:
Ok, so i dont want to start a flame war or anything. But its pretty obvious that this PP will probably NOT be a sellout.

what will that mean?

Do we not get obscure bands anymore? do we Not get PP anymore? what do you guys think?
It appears as if someone forgot to take their medication. My God, the show is still five months away and you're standing on the panic button. Have a coke and a smile and chill the fuck out.:cry:
who cares if it sells out or not??
it'll be a great concert for the ones who are there (me!!)
so drop back, grab a beer or something and take a load off about tickets sellin out or not :headbang:
Pyramaze51 said:
Okay here is my $.02 worth, I live in El Paso Texas the asshole of the States, but we do have one thing going here, there is a 450 person contingent of German soldiers stationed here, along with about 400 troops from other European nations, well guess what, they were unaware of the festival until i brought to the attention of one of the German friends of mine. He is going to post it in their little weekly information paper. He said he could almost guarantee about 40- 50 of them going now that they know about it. he also said most of them go to Wacken every year unless overseas or what not. so there will in all most likelyhood be alot of tickets sold next week.

What I want to know is: Why are foreign troops stationed on American soil???? I have nothing against Europeans mind you but what are they doing here????
Pyramaze51 said:
Okay here is my $.02 worth, I live in El Paso Texas the asshole of the States, but we do have one thing going here, there is a 450 person contingent of German soldiers stationed here, along with about 400 troops from other European nations, well guess what, they were unaware of the festival until i brought to the attention of one of the German friends of mine. He is going to post it in their little weekly information paper. He said he could almost guarantee about 40- 50 of them going now that they know about it. he also said most of them go to Wacken every year unless overseas or what not. so there will in all most likelyhood be alot of tickets sold next week.

You didn't tell them about the selection of beer available did you? I hope not. :kickass:

Good job promoting PP man!
Dr_Metal said:
What I want to know is: Why are foreign troops stationed on American soil???? I have nothing against Europeans mind you but what are they doing here????
I think there are a lot of people (countries) that ask the same question regarding US soldiers prescence in their homelands...
corvinus said:
Ok, so i dont want to start a flame war or anything. But its pretty obvious that this PP will probably NOT be a sellout.

what will that mean?

Do we not get obscure bands anymore? do we Not get PP anymore? what do you guys think?

If you dont want to start a flame, dont be making non-sense comments like this.

Now go find something better to do.