Question & Answer Thread -

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plintus: Okay, i'll tell you why i didn't think yours was a question, since you don't seem to be smart enough to notice (and it has nothing to do with the lack of question marks):

plintus said:
I think SOAD is crappy... and Malakian is a drug addict.
A statement that begins with "i think" cannot be a question. It is an opinion.

plintus said:
I think SOAD is crappy... and Malakian is a drug addict.
SOAD = subject
is = verb
crappy = adjective

Subject+verb+adjective does not equal question. It equals statement. You are saying that SOAD is crappy, not asking whether it is. And once more:

plintus said:
I think SOAD is crappy... and Malakian is a drug addict.
Malakian = subject
is = verb
a drug addict = noun (direct object or whatever)

Again, that's not a question, it's a statement.
double post! double post!

anyway, i have several good reasons to dislike the band, and generally all of these medieval german folk bands or whatever you might want to call them. first of all, the lyrics are a real pain if you actually understand what they are saying. secondly, the voice of the main vocalist has such a nosey tone in it that i always figure him singing with a peg on his nose. third, one of these guys managed to burn his face on a concert while spitting fire, which is almost as dumb as dave grohl throwing his own bass into his face. fourth, i do like bagpipes sometimes, but not over whole albums / concerts. fifth, their fans are filtheee. i could go on... of course it is a matter of taste and all. my reasons are not limited to music itself, but then again we all had to listen to free jazz because it's just so very brilliant.
Mal: Thanks. I still believe it's a matter of taste, though.

A: I wouldn't tattoo any part.

Oh, but i just remembered you don't want me to answer your questions. Too bad, you'll have to ask again.

Q: Which computer operating system do you think is the best?
A: My lips. Arms.
A2: Arch Linux.

Q: Wat soNg iz pwn3ratiNg u rITe NoW??
there is no such thing as "best". it depends on the purpose, at least right now. but i have a faible for low-tech, such as mainframe os's from the eighties :)

a2: satyricon - black lava

ever seen a mainframe?
A: Children of Bodom - In Your Face.

Q: Will UndoControl win any other forum awards next year?
A: Don't know. At Infoceptor they have (or had before the whole thing practically died) a most-annoying-user-of-the-month award and a couple of other awards i can't really remember. *hint* ;)

Q: Favorite science (if any) (completely ignoring the fact that in the end all sciences come down to one)?
A: That's a hard one. I don't want to go with the obvious, and it's hard to choose from the rest.. So let's say physics.

Q: Same.
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