The irc session


Cornered within
Dec 2, 2001
So...If you only get to ask one question and get an answer...what question would you ask?

I would ask if Niklas has written any lyrics for the new album...

take care!
Nope, Rei, he answered he contributed to the songwriting, which could as well mean musicwriting, with no effect on the lyrics. I wouldn't blace my bets on Niklas writing lyrics for the new album, btw. How sad, though.

Alfred (high dubious)
I meant written lyrics, not guitar riffs.

No alfred i know...but i wish he would write something in the category of lyrics....

äh.who cares about me?:)

What would you guys ask then???

Whops, don't shout it too loud... usually sharp clothes-hooks tend to lose their jobs (after the third ripped dress/suit, usually) ;)

Alfred (:rolleyes:)
The questions haunting my mind are those of the lyrics-writing (i just love his lyrics), the clean vox and the release date.
I'm almost sure i won't ask a thing though, unless someone else doesn't ask the above..
@ The Gates: wasn't it "What question would you ask DT tomorrow"? How did we end up to "What question I'd never ask them because I already know the answer"? :p :p

Alfred (playing the Doorbell next to the Gates)
Originally posted by Alfred
@ The Gates: wasn't it "What question would you ask DT tomorrow"? How did we end up to "What question I'd never ask them because I already know the answer"? :p :p

it looks like someone here is getting interested in a thorough session of *singing* 'i know something you don't know, i know something you don't know'. :lol:

there's possibly motive for great pride in knowing things in advance, but i guess this is somewhat spoiled by constantly bugging fellow posters about your luck and their misfortune.
i'm sure a lot of ppl here knows things about the new album but feel no need at all of making a fuss about it. :rolleyes:

rahvin. (keyring jangling)
could someone of you do me a favor? i won't be able to attend the irc session, so could someone log the dialog into a textfile (just copy&paste the output) and mail it to me/put it on some server? that would be very nice indeed.
thanks in advance,

you guys could paste the logo in a new thread here in the forum, so all of us could read it. anyways, if it's impossible to do so, i'll appreciate if u guys mail me the Log. my mail is
thnx a lot.
i might as well put the log onto a server once i get it. t'will be the forum members page. hmmm, i should consider making kind of a fanpage :)