New Question&Answer Thread!

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a1: visited many many many countries beside my own, most of my trips went probably to germany (1 hour from here, great gigs), switzerland (lived there for 10 years + family) and italy (half an hour from here)
a2: planning to see meshuggah on thursday in wörgl, really weird stuff, wonder how they are live ;) this weekend I will go to linz to see jack frost, the best austrian doom metal band :)
a3: I'm not good in saving money :yell:

q: your next planned gigs ?
A: ahhh, this is my favourite question. ;) no planned gigs for me, but if you want i could start listing the gigs i'd like to go to, but can't. ;) for half an hour today i was thinking i could probably make it to the 2nd day of the rockwave festival, but then i remembered that my lovely school always has exams beyond the official period, and that i couldn't really afford it.

Q: what was the one gig that you would have most loved to go to and missed, the one that made your heart suffer the most.
a: Opeth in Vienna 2 years ago on the Damnation tour, it was in the middle of the week and I didnt have anymore holidays to take a few days off to go to Vienna :( :( :(
and in fact also would have loved to see Anathema in Hamburg and Athens this year and Primordial in Dublin, it was on the plan but no money for all this...

q: you?
A:any gig of the ISIS and JESU-european tour 2005.
why they played so far away and just in the biggest city???and nothing near my town????
and the DT gig on the summer-breeze this year(my sisters damn marriage is at the same time)

A: the day I got the grade for my film and the day I did my guitar recital.

Q: If two trains leave two stations at exactly the same time, one takes off from Scarborough station and has to travel 35 miles to snankton travelling at an average of 54 mph but stops once for 12 minutes to change drivers at shemley and the other has to travel 46 miles from manchester to North Flobingsgale but is traveling at an average of 76 mile per hour, which train will arrive at their destination first?
A: According to my calculator, the answer is: LOW BATTERY.

Q: How old were you when you had your first romantic kiss?
A: The word 'romantic' has me confused, I was kissing girls before the age of 9 as we played kissing games (post office,spin the bottle) any excuse to lip lock, it was all romantic to me :)

Q: Are You impressed by things You do not understand?
A: No necessarily.

Q: How many bands that have official forums here on UM have you seen live (including bands that had a forum here, like In Flames and Arch Enemy)?
a@arch: Anathema, Antimatter (Athens 03, was amazing!), Arch Enemy, Anthrax, Beseech, Borknagar, Brainstorm, COB, Dark Tranquillity, Evergrey, Hypocrisy, Into Eternity, Katatonia, Lefay, Nevermore, Opeth, Saxon, Skyfire, Testament, The Crown, Threshold, Vintersorg, In Flames, Overkill, Iced Earth

q: you? (yeah I know not being very original this morning ;) )
this thread was closed because its intellectual content was making it impossible for captive pandas to have sex.
no, actually it was just too long. but any one of you lucky people could start another, with my teary-eyed blessing, and-- behold! someone did!
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