Cuthalion - Dec 7, 2004 476 0 16 40 Ankh-Morpork Jan 30, 2006 #3,421 A: No, it still rages in you Q: Can you think of an interesting question?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Jan 30, 2006 #3,422 A: Not really (at this moment). Q: Doesn't it rage in all of us?
solefald Vheissu Apr 11, 2002 1,642 0 36 45 Chimera Chiemgau Jan 31, 2006 #3,423 A: undo you are still gay...just ubergays need to talk about their gayness...undergays just keep their gayness for themsel Q:how many gay people do you know besides undo?
A: undo you are still gay...just ubergays need to talk about their gayness...undergays just keep their gayness for themsel Q:how many gay people do you know besides undo?
plintus Señor Member Mar 5, 2004 3,912 8 38 19103 Jan 31, 2006 #3,424 solefald said: Q:how many gay people do you know besides undo? Click to expand... A: Haven't had a pleasure of being acquainted with any (which means 0, ZERO). Q: Ever made any radical changes to your lifestyle/environment just because you were tired of it, not because you had to? What was it?
solefald said: Q:how many gay people do you know besides undo? Click to expand... A: Haven't had a pleasure of being acquainted with any (which means 0, ZERO). Q: Ever made any radical changes to your lifestyle/environment just because you were tired of it, not because you had to? What was it?
RampageSword AWARE! BEWARE! WAR! Aug 22, 2005 2,954 6 38 39 Montreal Jan 31, 2006 #3,425 A : No, I haven't done that yet. Q : Are you happy with your current job?
solefald Vheissu Apr 11, 2002 1,642 0 36 45 Chimera Chiemgau Jan 31, 2006 #3,426 A: as I quit my recent stupid job to study for 2 years Im really happy with my"job" Q:best job ever? worst job ever?
A: as I quit my recent stupid job to study for 2 years Im really happy with my"job" Q:best job ever? worst job ever?
RampageSword AWARE! BEWARE! WAR! Aug 22, 2005 2,954 6 38 39 Montreal Jan 31, 2006 #3,427 A : Best job for me would be actor (not a kid's dream, it's really what I study for) and the worst job would definitely be Rhino inseminator. Q : What's the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
A : Best job for me would be actor (not a kid's dream, it's really what I study for) and the worst job would definitely be Rhino inseminator. Q : What's the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Wolfman Von Jones The trouble with you Dec 6, 2001 4,628 75 48 Chicago Visit site Jan 31, 2006 #3,428 African or European? Ever have raspberry bellini?
RampageSword AWARE! BEWARE! WAR! Aug 22, 2005 2,954 6 38 39 Montreal Jan 31, 2006 #3,429 A : Nope Q : Ever had poutine?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Jan 31, 2006 #3,430 A: No. Q: Who do you think (or, if you have no idea, who do you hope) will be the next heterosexual couple on UM?
A: No. Q: Who do you think (or, if you have no idea, who do you hope) will be the next heterosexual couple on UM?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Jan 31, 2006 #3,432 A: Sure, why not? If it makes Claudia happy... Q: Which smilie(s) is/are overused? Which is/are underused?
A: Sure, why not? If it makes Claudia happy... Q: Which smilie(s) is/are overused? Which is/are underused?
M Malaclypse Active Member Oct 18, 2001 5,408 112 63 Jan 31, 2006 #3,433 overused: underused: q: the love song that haunted you most/longest?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Jan 31, 2006 #3,434 A: Either "Before the dawn" by Evanescence, "Everything" by Lifehouse or "Emptier still" by Dark Tranquillity. Q: Song with the most haunting voice in it? (For me it's "Strange inside" by Untoten.)
A: Either "Before the dawn" by Evanescence, "Everything" by Lifehouse or "Emptier still" by Dark Tranquillity. Q: Song with the most haunting voice in it? (For me it's "Strange inside" by Untoten.)
M Malaclypse Active Member Oct 18, 2001 5,408 112 63 Jan 31, 2006 #3,435 samael - static journey if your avatar could be as large as you wanted it to be, which picture would you choose?
samael - static journey if your avatar could be as large as you wanted it to be, which picture would you choose?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Jan 31, 2006 #3,436 A: Most likely one of these: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Q: What's the most haunting picture/image you've ever seen?
A: Most likely one of these: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Q: What's the most haunting picture/image you've ever seen?
opacity Member Sep 17, 2001 3,229 54 48 [lower austria] Feb 1, 2006 #3,437 A: those in my dreams, dealing with caves, worms shedding tears and booming visible voices Q: what type are you: the one who trusts more his eyes or his ears or his sense of touch?
A: those in my dreams, dealing with caves, worms shedding tears and booming visible voices Q: what type are you: the one who trusts more his eyes or his ears or his sense of touch?
Magrathean worldbuilder Oct 14, 2005 6,987 4 38 Faculty of Science Feb 1, 2006 #3,438 A: Eyes. Q: What's with "pwned"? Why can't people write "owned"?
S Siren Active Member Dec 6, 2001 9,341 188 63 Feb 1, 2006 #3,439 A: Because we pwn you. Q: Do you know the secret behind pwn?
La Rocque I am that I am May 22, 2004 4,807 6 38 an exit to eternal summer slacking Feb 1, 2006 #3,440 A: I should hope not - Q: Ever have a Prince Albert piercing?