Question & Answer Thread -

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A: Forums and friends.

Q: What's your favorite types of food?
A: In terms of food, it's usually "Middle Eastern". In terms of geography related to Saudi Arabia, it's usually "Arabian" as in The Arabian peninsula. In terms of language it's "Arabic."

Q: Have you won awards for anything? If so, what were they?
a: bunch of prizes in 2000 - best econ graduate at my school (medal), list of top 250 most promising graduates in the whole uni (handshake, wellwishing and participation in a cool people's club at the industrialist's union of my hometown). ah, and i won a handful of chess trophies when i was a kid, but that doesn't count. next stop would be the EEA young economist award but i'm too shite for that.

q: you?
A: Won something for community service/volunteering about 10 years ago and a few other stuff waaay back in high school. I'm working on my "Sexiest Man Alive" award for 2005. :p

Q: What was the strongest earthquake you've ever been in?
a: not really, since the last few ones have crashed on my head while i was riding a puny two-wheeled thing that risked being struck by lightning every few metres. but they have their charm when i'm not directly exposed to them.

q: what will happen to nightwish now?
Arch: Thanks.

Thanatos: Almost all my clothes are black. The most colorful piece of clothing i have is probably a red shirt with a yellow sickle&hammer (yes, i'm socialist/marxist).

Dark_Silence: A digital cam. And rest from a terribly overworked and depressive semester of uni.

Q: Favorite Within Temptation song?
A: Sure.

Q: Have you ever felt that you were close to dying?
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