Question & Answer Thread -

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A: Somewhat between work and vacation. ;)

Q: Do you watch TV regularly? If so, what programs do you watch?
KC: Why?

AKC: I don't believe in them (look at my strongest/weakest feature, mentioned above ;)). And i don't get scared; on the contrary, i love the shadows and would feel quite comfortable in a house on my own with the lights turned off.

AArch: No. I used to watch The Justice Friends (best cartoon ever) and some NatGeo and DiscChannel and such, but i've never been too fond of that big black box sitting in my room, and as the years pass i come to dislike it more and more.

Q: Which is funnier: This pic or this other pic?
@Undo: Because scientists used to believe the earth was flat... I mean, science is great and fascinating, but I think there is such a thing as the unexplanable... to a point (will try and explain)... but first: Granted, it's probably not the "weakest" thing, I was exagerating there, but you get my drift... Anyway: I mean, Telekinesis is supernatural phenomenon, but not only have I witnessed it, I've seen documentaries where some scientists have like, explained it, granted I didn't fully understand ( :p ), but in the 30's (and this is similar to my "earth being flat" point) nobody would have thought there were a scientific explanation for moving objects with your mind, it would have just been considered witch craft or magic, or "a trick". There's some loose scientific explanations for ghosts and orbs, but nothing cement yet, but one day there could be. So I just think to only believe what modern science can understand is a bit wrong...

A: Definately maybe...

Q: What's a book you've read that you'd really like to see made into a film?
KC: I don't believe in ghosts, flying orbs or telekinesis, but i guess that's a bit like the invisible dragon paradox (one person says they've got an invisible dragon in their garage and another person doesn't believe them, but neither can prove one thing or the other). There've been hundreds of documentaries on ufos, aliens, ghosts, telekinesis and other 'paranormal' stuff, and either they give doubtful 'proof' or they end up concluding that they don't exist or that we won't ever know. Anyway, if you want to carry on with this discussion let's make another thread for it, since i don't think it's quite the right thing to do it here. :)

A: 42. :D

Q: Do you think 42 is actually the answer to live, the universe and everything or did Douglas Adams get it wrong?
A: I prefer to do it in the flesh, and that's rare. I have a mate who is well into physics, and we can actually get pretty indepth, because I wonder about loads of things and he actually has alot of the answers... so yes I do alot. I prefer philosophical things though because science you need your evidence, and Im more opinionated than smart.

Q: What's going to be the most fun day of 2006? Think about it. There is a once in a life time day that is probably gonna be very special.
A: Any day I can spend with my GF :p If we get to combine that with a winter holiday, Wacken, her birthday or mine then the day should be really memorable :)

Q: Same question :)
A : Don't know yet...I'll get shitfaced or something...Maybe I'll play every single DT album in chronological order...

Q : Same question
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