Well, to me, a review definitely does not imply you're too dumb to make your own mind, rather, it's like asking a friend what a movie/book/cd was like. It's a recommendation, and you're free to agree or disagree, as it's a matter of taste. Plus in most cases, you know what your friend/reviewer tends to like, so you know whether it's likely you'll agree or not.
And I don't think that it's just a sleazy way to get free cds. If it's a small zine, then reviewers tend to be honest since they enjoy what they do (it's not like you get paid in most cases, it's a hobby). Most of the cds I reviewed, I didn't even get a promo. Usually reviews were of unsigned local bands. It's publicity for them, and feedback.
And if it's a big important magazine, then most likely free cds are not reviewer's motivation, more like a paycheck. And again, it's publicity for the band. Imo, reviews aren't that horrible.