Question & Answer Thread -

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A: No, I don't.. I don't believe there is anything after death. heaven and hell are an invention of mankind.

Q: What was your favourite toy when you were a kid?
A: Hot chocolate, please. Thanks.

Q: Are you a curious individual?
A: "Calm me down to the sound of my insanity, Voices screaming astral dreaming a mental symphony" by Sirenia

Q:who is ur favorite goth metal band?
A: Sentenced

Q: Did you know Friday the 13th is this Friday?
A: Ja.

Q: If you were to start a business, what type of product(s) or service(s) will your company sell?
Arch said:
Q: If you were to start a business, what type of product(s) or service(s) will your company sell?

A: Air. And permissions to breathe.

Q: You?

//I have my own business already, however :)
A: no, me and hats are no good. besides, they'd get soaked in all that water. :rolleyes:

Q: can you use your hair as a scarf?
A:No (even though rampage was supposed to answer)

Q:what is your favorite hobby
Zack said:
Q:what is your favorite hobby

A: I don't have hobbies I don't like :D

Favourite one would be: explore things I can't doi full time: Flash, 3D animation/modelling, C3 and other meningful things. I just got Swift3D!!! Yay!

Q: Do ytou have any hobbies? Sex isn't a hobby - that's one of the ways to make reproduction more attractive, so - be serious. :Smug:


I have to learn how to do flash, I'm moving at a snails pace

Q:Am I a nerd now?
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