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A: The President in Air Force One.

Q: Favorite fictional book?
A: T-shirts and jeans.

Q: When you look back at past failed relationships, do you regret it or see it as an opportunity to learn from mistakes?
a1: in some cases i try to forget, but in most cases i try to remember all the good things and learn from the bad ones.

a2: i actually like wearing suits, they are very comfortable, at least the feel of it. but normally i don't care much about clothes.

q: any ideas on a tattoo motive i should choose?
Good choice DL ;)

A 1: Option 1: Black loose pants and a girlie t-shirt when nothing special is happening, Option 2: Tight sexy slutty clothes so that my boyfriend won't get his eyes off me :p

A 2: Get a tattoo that has a meaning and that no one else has. And consider it a lot before getting it. If you're starting to think of a motive for it now, i say wait a few years after you've got the motive, then see if you still want that certain picture to be on your skin forever. My "motive" was that the tattoo has got the initials of my name plus my horoscope in it.

Q: What do you think of the way you look?
A: 6.5 US size.

Q: Is it objectifying women when someone says "ooh, she looks hot"?
A: I don't know, I would never say that someone is "hot" though... Sounds kind of stupid to me. But yes I think someone could be offended by that.

Q: You will be immortal for one day, what will you do?
A: Jump off a plane without a parachute. WEEEEEEEEE!

Q: Are you ticklish?
A: Sexy women.

Q: Do you get cold sores in your mouth?
A: I don't know.

Q: What?
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