Question & Answer Thread -

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A: Chest, left side.

Q: Were you ever hospitalized? If so, why were you there?
A : Possibilty of testicular cancer. Stayed in hospital for two days ongoing a battery of stupid test including an echography of you-know-what just so the doctors would tell me I had nothing...

Q : Ever broke one of your limbs?
A: I don't think so.

Q: Ever broken someone's heart?

RampageSword said:
Cd player technology went a long way since 1992 you know...The only advantage I see in a Ipod is the size. Then again, with my player I carry also a pocket with 7 mp3 cds containing a total of ~1000 songs (quality of 192kbps) which is more than the average 160 to 200 you can usually get on an Ipod...

you get thousands of songs and hours of video on 30 GB iPod ;) All from $299

CD player of any kind isn't my choice these days - size, capacity, batteries, and I listen to music on it at least 2 hours a day. CDs scratch, too.

Those are some nice accumulators you got :)
Alright then I guess the battle ends here. I'm a cd die-hard and your an Ipod die-hard. Oh, my cd cost me 79$, not 299$ (that was last november). Let's call it a draw.
A : Because we are too lazy....

Q : You ever put shampoo in your microwave? Creates the same effect than those "air fresheners" thingies
A: yeah as in i have skype, but i don't really use it.

Q: which exotic fruit are you right now?
A: right now,'s and somethinhawful's, but I hardly ever post, jst like here

Q: what do you like most about yourself?
UndoControl said:
Q: What's the longest time you really had to go to the bathroom but held it because of whatever reason?

I attended a private catholic elemmentary school and they never let us go to the bathroom while in class, my personal record was like 4 hours after feeling the need to go :erk:
A: I don't know, most likely the way i think.

Q: Aren't schools that don't let students go to the bathroom during class horrible?

Thanatos said:
I attended a private catholic elemmentary school and they never let us go to the bathroom while in class, my personal record was like 4 hours after feeling the need to go :erk:
Ouch! I thought two hours of being in a ferry-train-bus-thing in San Francisco with no bathroom was a lot, but four hours?! Did it hurt? Could you even walk by the time you got to go?
A: agree wholeheartedly

Q: tanned or pale?

UndoControl said:
Ouch! I thought two hours of being in a ferry-train-bus-thing in San Francisco with no bathroom was a lot, but four hours?! Did it hurt? Could you even walk by the time you got to go?

yeah it hurt like hell, I remember I used to sweat a lot and feel cold, I guess my bladder kind of got used to it eventually cause now I can hold it for quite a long time without a problem
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