Question & Answer Thread -

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A: The information superhighway.

Q: Heard about the Downing Street Memo?
A: Humor and surprise.

Q: Do you prefer puppies or kittens?
A: This memo is proof that the Bush administration wanted to press for war and that was their intention. It is damning evidence against Bush and for his future impeachment.

Q: Has the New World Order come of age?
A: Yes.

Q: Ever felt an earthquake before?
A: Yes, first time being when i was in my mom's belly (and i'm talking a big one) (earthquake, not belly).

Q: What is it with Arch and earthquakes?
A: Because I rock your world.

Q: Were you ever baptized?
A: A few.

Q: Do you like taking pictures?
A: No. I'm not photogenic.

Q: Are you photogenic?
A: Yes, to some extent.

Q: What did you do for Father's Day?
A^^: Yes. I respect everyone until they cause me to think otherwise...sometimes a stop-watch comes in handy :p

A: I made a phonecall to my father.

Q: Ever lost a decent amount (if not all) of your music collection in one hit?
A: No, but I should back up my MP3 collection, just in case.

Q: Have you seen any bands performing live, that sucked so bad, that you have to share it to us?
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