Question for female metalheads

Carcassian said:
Fuck man, label me as a demon worshipper, but don't associate me with the Bowie worshipping he-she.

I think you misunderstood me. I don't associate Satanic imagery with bands like Marliyn Manson but most people do. A lot of intelligent bands come off as childish with pentagrams, inverted crosses, etc. That's what all the goth-kids were into when I was still in Middle School.
Demiurge said:
I do not know your situation, of course, but I wonder why you put up with it.

Some people who are in my circle of friends, etc. I generally try to avoid such people, but I'm not going to cut myself off from some of my good friends just to avoid certain other people. My parents arn't very big on it either, I can get my mother off my case and I only see her once every few weeks but I usually visit my father weekly and I just avoid wearing such shirts altogether when around him and his wife.
ProjectedBlack said:
I think you misunderstood me. I don't associate Satanic imagery with bands like Marliyn Manson but most people do. A lot of intelligent bands come off as childish with pentagrams, inverted crosses, etc. That's what all the goth-kids were into when I was still in Middle School.

I think you misunderstood him, I think he was attemting humor.
Everyone looks the same wearing a band shirt. Just like everyone wearing old navy clothing looks the same in a mall to everyong wearing a band shirt. People are going to assume you're a goth into marilyn manson. When someone dresses normal you're going to assume they like pop music & that person assumes you paint your nails because your shirt is black having a logo that is not readable.
helix_of_darkness said:
i agree the shirts for girls are too damn ugly i sometimes wear guy shirts
I totally agree. There is always limited choice for girl clothing at metal shows. Our kind is limited. But you know what I think about that? The other girls are missing out on seeing many talented musicians and a great way to express having a fucking good time.
Satan,evil,darkness is more interesting than god in heavy music. An inverted cross does not mean musicians can't play and are stupid.

Just like a storm is more interesting than a blue sky.
Dark skies at night with all kinds of patterns & clouds is a lot more interesting than a blue sky.

Just like demons & the underworld is more interesting than god or jesus on a cross.

You can't even get a mental picture of what god looks like... but if someone mentions that devil everyone's mind is filled with many horrifying images.

I think christianity invented the devil as a threat to get people into their religion. Christianity give bad image's to people that don't except jesus christ.

Either you except jesus christ or go to hell. Now it's a matter of using their own religion against them not being scared or taking it serious or giving a shit.
ProjectedBlack said:
A band like Emperor is not intelligent?
I don´t remember Emperor wearing pentagrams....maybe in old eras. However those guys grew up from this, don´t you think?
I am searching their official site - no pentagrams on band photos.
The Greys said:
You can't even get a mental picture of what god looks like... but if someone mentions that devil everyone's mind is filled with many horrifying images.

older guy ... 60 or so, white, white beard, bigger build, in a white robe and wearing brown slippers.
Fredy_Brown said:
This doesn´t do it less interesting, it´s just different.
+1. If you spend your life in the dark, light is extremely bright and powerful. If you spend your life in the light, shadows seem more pronounced. It's all about contrast.

Also, you cannot visualize God because he can take on any shape, or another way to say is he exists in more dimensions than we do.

And who dissed Bowie? :erk: