Question for gamers...

Mark you know what probably would be best for you to do is go to one of those large gaming stores and ask all the questions you need as they have knowledge on both systems.Then they they could tell you the pro's and con's of both...unlike here we all will tell you what is good about what we each have....Although in a couple of homes there are all systems I think if I remember correctly.
A customer just came in and he has an xbox he told me all the stuff an xbox can advice now go get an xbox get it chipped and your choices are out of this will be addicted to the thing like a junky waiting for their next hit!
Why do you hate to say it Sydo? :lol: :err:

Spawny and Mark, you two are very naughty boys.

As for the XBOX, people will talk your ear off about 'what it can do' for hours at a time, but the fact of the matter is a console is only as good as its games, and if it doesn't have the games you want to play, then don't get it. I am not giving a biased opinion, I am giving a fair one. An XBOX WOULD be the best console for online first person shoot em up gaming, but offers very little in the fun, platform game type of genre. A Gamecube will offer the best platform games, and does have a couple of good first person games (Metroid Prime, Timesplitters 2, and XIII are both top notch), but does still lack in the shoot em up genre. It still has a better spread of quality games than the XBOX though IMO. The PS2 is the best all round console, and is the best buy if you don't know what you want.
Playstations are the best because they have the most (and best) games and personally I like their controllers the best too haha. Probably just because I'm used to them most but I still like them best haha.
Playstations do have the most games, so anyone should be able to find something they like, which is a good thing. I hate the XBOX controllers, they are awkward, and I am not a huge fan of the PS2 controller either, but I have used it so much now that I am used to it.