Question for gamers...

Hmm the times I've played a PS2 the controller has been the same as a PS1 controller haha!

I hate the XBOX controller too, it sucks.
Osama Bin Laden could be hiding in an XBOX controller, they are as big as a house!
Hey has anyone played Cricket 2004 yet? I wish I had a PS2 so I could get it!

I've just been addicted to Shane Warne Cricket '99 for ages lately haha! :headbang:
I had one on the PS1, I think its the one you are talking about Troops! I couldnt stop playing it, except i just kept hitting the smash hit button, singles are for wimps.

Hesgotimyesthatsout! Pissoffyergone! Back to the pavillion! Two for twenty two.
I think they would have used XBOX controllers like maces back in the dark ages.
Argh! I have smoten you with my mighty green jeweled mace +3! Then they would lay siege to the actual XBOX because thats big enough to have its own postcode.
I think it kicks ass, as long as you get the chip thingo in it and all the emulators etc! :headbang: Then you can play Space Invaders all day on a vastly more powerful machine than you need to, if that doesnt rock, I dont know what does!
Ohh I love Playstation controllers. The analogue stick rocks too :headbang: There isn't much need for the one on the right though. Never used it!
The Trooper said:
Hey has anyone played Cricket 2004 yet? I wish I had a PS2 so I could get it!

I've just been addicted to Shane Warne Cricket '99 for ages lately haha! :headbang:
No but I have been playing NRL 2004 on PS2..........Plus FIFA 2004 & Rugby 2004 ............bit of sports junkie..........