Question for Mike/band

Orbital Collapse

May 26, 2004
Forgive me if this disturbance was previously uttered, but heregos:

Regarding the band's request for artwork(of the members)for the next album, do you want any other art, if not of the members? (e.g. logo, abstract, other, for back of cd, sleeves, etc.)

They also want it to be like one of the band Rainbow's album. I'm not sure which one it is, but it has them sketched and it's their hair in what looks like a massive web of hair.
The rainbow album they want you to see as a referance is "long live rock n roll"

very good cover concept actually. But rather than beige and black, you might want to try black and white....might suit opeth a bit better?
Land Of Grey And Pink said:
The rainbow album they want you to see as a referance is "long live rock n roll"

very good cover concept actually. But rather than beige and black, you might want to try black and white....might suit opeth a bit better?
Black and white is boring
ChrisEmerson said:
they have just asked for pictures of those 4, so i guess thats what they want...

I know, but they didn't really specify if they wanted or would use other art for other parts of the album outline, so I thought I would ask. I think it would be cool to not only have the pic of the band drawn by an outside source, but the rest of the album sleeve as well. I can draw some pretty cool shit(i.e. graphic designs, logos, word design, abstract tribal shit)but I'm no good at photo-realistic sketches, so if that's all they want, I won't waste my time or theirs sending shit they don't need. You never know..........
Land Of Grey And Pink said:
Beige and black isnt terribly interesting either.

I dont know...theres not a whole lot you can do about color when youre sketching profiles of faces.
Oh I never said it was ;)
It's just that the 2 last covers were in black and white *yawns*
Color would be better than black and white.

What would really be fecking cool is if the hair all twined together in a way that allowed one to see the blond snaking through the brunette hair and vice versa, see it all merging together. Like the music. ;)
Eriel said:
Color would be better than black and white.

What would really be fecking cool is if the hair all twined together in a way that allowed one to see the blond snaking through the brunette hair and vice versa, see it all merging together. Like the music. ;)

I like black and white sketching better, I think the use of positive/negative space comes into play more, making more use of simple details.
I LOVE the packaging for Deliverance and Damnation... very nice work. It wouldn't have worked in color.

BUT, you're right... it's time for change. Still Life is their only cover with full-on cover... My Arms Your Hearse is sorta bland to me, even though that's color... and Orchid is just a bunch of flowers lol
The cover of Orchid was symbolic of the music (dark/beautifull). The cover of My Arms, Your Hearse was elusive and dark. Each of the covers corresponds well with the style of the album. Lets wait until the album is written before the lads decide on the sort of cover they're going to have.