Question for Mr. V


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2002
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I'm curious about an update on some projects of yours that seemed to have vanished are far as news etc. are concerned. (if anyone else can respond that would be cool too)

Wasn't there some stuff called "Axiology" and "Space on Earth" and possibly others. I'm curious what happened to this stuff, was it scrapped or were there name changes? Not trying to be bothersome, but curious as a fan hehe. :wave:
Everything is a matter of time for me, and Axiology is an existing thing, a MCD is written and partially recorded. Space on Earth is dormant but I've written material for it'll happen one day. But the mentioned project is quite different from V and B....I've completed the Waterfield album though...duscussing with some companies at this point.

mr V