question more for the laydeeeezzz (all two of you), but 90 dudes will likely respond

markgugs said:
So what you're saying is that you're out of your league when it comes to matching maturity with someone near your own age?

I can't say I ever gave it that much thought. We just get on, enjoy mutual interests and enjoy being with each other. After three years we've not had so much as a cross word. That suits me fine.
Lee_B said:
I can't say I ever gave it that much thought. We just get on, enjoy mutual interests and enjoy being with each other. After three years we've not had so much as a cross word. That suits me fine.

Well congrats then, you're 100,000 leagues ahead of my "relationships." :Smug:
After three years we've not had so much as a cross word. That suits me fine.

had these type of relationships before too ... thought they were a Godsend.
then realized we just lacked a deeper communication.
markgugs said:
Ha ha, I was actually going to post a thread entitled "Hey Liz! Thanks for Damon!"

And then the text would read: "this thread is only for lizard and me, the rest of you piss off."

seriously, the dude would run through a wall if he thought a ball was on the other side of it.

unfortunately, he usually spends a couple weeks each season injured from such collisions. plus he's getting a little older.

oh...and he has aids.


his wife is so smokingly hot.
I think it's fine to date anyone you connect with (over 18, obviously). That said, if I was single, I'd worry that any girl that was really young, and was interested in me, had daddy issues. Granted, I'm a beautiful slice of beefcake, but even still, you have to wonder...

General Zod said:
I think it's fine to date anyone you connect with (over 18, obviously). That said, if I was single, I'd worry that any girl that was really young, and was interested in me, had daddy issues. Granted, I'm a beautiful slice of beefcake, but even still, you have to wonder...


You really ought to change your username to "Beautiful Slice of Beefcake."

Just my $.02 really.
holy shit a bass playing chick posted in this thread!!!

*puts on cologne for the first time in 8 years*
Plzdatemekthx said:
ecch, 16 to 20 with the same person? how much of a different person has she become v. him i wonder? :dopey:
tough to know know since i have no idea what she would have been like without. but i still like her. :dopey: