question more for the laydeeeezzz (all two of you), but 90 dudes will likely respond


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
am i too old for 19 year old chicks? i turn 27 in a few months. went to Barnes and Noble just now (the Riverside store, for those of you following my absolutely thrilling latest poll :tickled: ). as i was walking up to the door looking e'er the rapist with my black leather jacket, dark clothes, and hair covering 160% of my head and face*, a hot piece of woman was walking up at the same time. so i of course open the door for her and smile, she returns the smile and says thanks, then proceeds to open the 2nd set of doors for me in return while sorta laughing. she was maybe 20 at best, so i decided to just thank her and smile, then go about my business instead of striking up a conversation. but should i have anyhow, or was she too young for me?

also, i went there with the intentions of buying Lolita but instead picked up a different Nabokov book, in case i ran into her again. :loco:

borderline. a very good friend of mine had a 27 (or 26 or 28 or something) year old boyfriend for the past 4 years or so so yeah she must have been 16 or something cause shes 20 now. i dunno. i think maybe 16/23 was a bit weird but hey who am i to JUDGE anyone! its cool.
ecch, 16 to 20 with the same person? how much of a different person has she become v. him i wonder? :dopey:

i'm thinking borderline. i'm also thinking i don't care and i should've hit on her anyhow. fuck. so it's settled, i'm going back to barhopping. i need to find Ms. Whocares and maybe her sister too.
lizard said:
I see no problem with it unless she's really still in high school and then you're a total perv.

Yeah... any younger and I'd say "poopoo" but this seems like it'd be fine.

But seriously now, what the fuck do I know?
My uncle who was aged 50 actually married an 18 year old, which his mother did not mind, nor did her parents, but I think the rest of our family thought it was wrong. (Especially because he already had 6 children who were older than her, and said he didn't want her having any). He always was very good-looking and had a few wives before her.
In light of this I don't understand why a 27 year-old man would not date a 19 year old girl. They say the most successful age gap for a longterm relationship is man 5 years older than woman, but 19 is pretty close then.
I've started being attracted by "older" women for a few months now. Meaning anywhere between my own age (27) and 35. I can't imagine dating someone under 20, but life is full of oddities, like this board.
hmm ... that all depends what your ultimate goal is ... if you want to just have fun, I say go for it. If you are planning to "possibly" settle down with this person, move on.
markgugs said:
So what you're saying is that you're out of your league when it comes to matching maturity with someone near your own age?

he's dating a Hungarian ... they are at least 10 years older in maturity and experience then their actual age :loco: