Question to Evile


Jul 25, 2007
Vienna, Austria
I have followed you guys since like... 2 years. I remember talking to Ol on the Metallica boards like 2 years ago, and you guys have since then gotten SO big.

My question is: how old are you guys? how old were you when you guys got together? How old were you when you got the Earache sign? Did/do you guys go to school/college/university? If.. how was it with doing music/band and school? Did you have any problems?

Thanks in advance guys!


EDIT: P.S: anyone else in a band which has gotten pretty far :)P) can contribute to this thread too ofcourse.
I have followed you guys since like... 2 years. I remember talking to Ol on the Metallica boards like 2 years ago, and you guys have since then gotten SO big.

My question is: how old are you guys? how old were you when you guys got together? How old were you when you got the Earache sign? Did/do you guys go to school/college/university? If.. how was it with doing music/band and school? Did you have any problems?

Thanks in advance guys!


EDIT: P.S: anyone else in a band which has gotten pretty far :)P) can contribute to this thread too ofcourse.

I'm 23, I was about 16 when we started playing together, the Earache sign was only in about October 06 (Friday the 13th :headbang: ). I did Music in college and I SUCKED.
Fuck yeah EVILE, the most thrashy new band out there!
I live in Sweden but I will be in California when the album is released.
How can I get the record to San Diego asap (without waiting for the US release date or download it)...
Because this is a "question-to-Evile-topic":

Will you guys make a DVD soon? Something from a live-concert, but some other things as well, like Ol explaining how he plays solo's etc.
I have a question may sound a bit dumb but here goes. In the tracks ive heard on MySpace, the songs i hear alot of sepultura influence.... i may be the only 1 but i do hear somewhat influence.. and im just wonderin' if you guys did that on purpose or just sounded like it
I have a question may sound a bit dumb but here goes. In the tracks ive heard on MySpace, the songs i hear alot of sepultura influence.... i may be the only 1 but i do hear somewhat influence.. and im just wonderin' if you guys did that on purpose or just sounded like it

I think they sounded more like slayer, except for the solo's. Even the vocals sounded like Tom Araya! :headbang: :kickass: :worship:
vocals yes but other than that i dont think theres alot of comparison...judging from only the 3 songs ive heared so far.......
1) Why is Ol the only member of Evile posting here? Where are the others? Or am I missing something?

2) Will the people who post on this forum get free beer at Evile concerts?
Sanctity will be awesome!

The rest of the guys are on their way (Minus Mike because he can't even figure a keyboard out let alone posting on a forum)

We struggle to get free beer ourselves hahah
hi Evile,

i just want to know what's your motivation(s) to advance in metal,where do you want to go?
i mean,some people use their rage to be the best,other want more things (money),other just like what they do and just want to have fun until the end of their own satisfaction.....maybe it's a mix of all of these reasons?

it's a little bit serious but that could be interesting.....:p

can you tell us?