question to JAX!

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The HypnoToad
Oct 6, 2005

I think your are in contact with MJR and if it's possible could you pls ask him if he and the other guys could record the drums a bit louder?
The best example is the track THE ODYSSEY! Such a great drum work but you can just hear everaything with a super super bass mode, so would be great if you could ask him, THX.
Actually, i think the missing thing in oddsey is "keyboard" sound. I don't mean the midi stuff. I mean the actual performance by Mike Pinnella.
wchuck said:

I think your are in contact with MJR and if it's possible could you pls ask him if he and the other guys could record the drums a bit louder?
The best example is the track THE ODYSSEY! Such a great drum work but you can just hear everaything with a super super bass mode, so would be great if you could ask him, THX.

My copy of The Odyssey is specially made, it goes to 11! \m/
Except for the fact that all the drums except for the snare sound way too muffled, and that there isn't enough keyboards.... Or cowbell.
I always thought the drums sounded lame in The Odyssey (album). Just sound so muffled and flat. Love the album though...:)

I do hope they improve the drum sound though for new one
I didn't notice ANYTHING wrong with the drums until I saw this.

Thanks a lot.

ALSO, tell Michael Romeo that hes a poser n the best gitar is green day lolol!
Tell whoever's responsible for producing the album that the drums on The Odyssey sound like they were recorded in a box. More space ala V, please.

Also, they need to ease up on the extreme punchiness of the kick drum... it almost sounds like another snare.
arglebargle said:
the drums on The Odyssey sound like they were recorded in a box.
Also, they need to ease up on the extreme punchiness of the kick drum... it almost sounds like another snare.

Agreed. But i like the music anyway :)
There was enough bass on the Odyssey, so let's just leave it at that. But speaking of Rullo's set, I had an idea that wouldn't really contribute new sound or anything, but would look really cool on stage. What if Rullo's set had the whole Double Bass drum thang goin' on, and each bass drum's front skin has one of the masks, that've been featured on every album.
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