question to JAX!

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Edit: I decided to change my mind about what I wanted to say.

Hey, Jax, this is a question not related to the band. If there's a Church of the Machine (reffering to the Sym. X fanclub of course) is there a Bible of the Machine?
ptah knemu said:
Edit: I decided to change my mind about what I wanted to say.

Hey, Jax, this is a question not related to the band. If there's a Church of the Machine (reffering to the Sym. X fanclub of course) is there a Bible of the Machine?


What the hell is the problem? Are you guys actually criticizing little things about a band that most of us can never hope to be as good as? Please tell me it's that I just woke up and skimmed the thread, and you guys aren't disrespecting Romeo. Wow.

Jax, tell MJR that I realize he probably spent a long time making decisions regarding the arrangement and mix, and that I respect the choices he came up with. Some people just look for things to bitch about, jeez...

Dude do you realize how stupid you sound? We're all deliverying our constructed Criticism...and Most people agree on the Drums/keyboards on the ODyssey, otherwise production was fantastic...It still tops all the others in quality... And just for +100,000,000 points for me, if I'm not mistaken "some people just look for things to bitch about" well now does that not make you one of those're bitching about how we're apparently insulting Romeo and like knocking our Fav or one of our Fav bands over!

on that not...Jax i got a good question for you, when Romeo and them wrote Through The Looking Glass, did he actually write it while looking through a looking glass?
Jax, (although this is asking a lot...) can you ask Rullo to think about recording a drum solo, or making a video/getting the videos on his site to work? -Maybe even incorporating a lengthly drum solo into a song, or somethin'. The guy is my idol (I've learned a lot from him, and he has inspired me greatly), but there aren't many solo spots where I get to see his full potential and show him off to my friends :p . Thanks a lot! Oh, oh... recording a drum clinic...that would be sweet! :rock:
It's constructive criticism. Could you please read over your posts before posting, they're very hard to follow. I don't mean the incorrect word choice in this particular one, I just mean in general your posts tend to stray from making sense.

And how is that a good question?
Progbass said:
^ Yeah, it's not like this is some ask Romeo or ask Symphony x thread, I'm sure Jax is not willing to ask Rullo to do a drum solo on the album. lol

Yeah this thread is starting to crack me up. I don't think Jax is going to ask them every little insane question you all come up with. She'll just tell them about how screwy their fans are.

Wait no I got one. Jax, tell them they should do a Christmas album. How kickass would that be :tickled:
Tell them to tune every other string on their guitars five steps down and then take the unaffected strings and tune them up an equal amount of steps to every other placeholder in pi... THEN... play their songs with the same tab, except inverted and backwards. Then they should take their drums and use triggers to replace the snare with a squealing child, the bass drum with a fat guy farting, the high tom with a trainwreck and the floor tom with the entirety of the Odyssey and then MAYBE their next album would be better than V.
Actually, I compare all albums to DWoT and DG. I like to call it Images and Words Syndrome. :P
:lol: Good one.
proulxski said:
Dude do you realize how stupid you sound? We're all deliverying our constructed Criticism...and Most people agree on the Drums/keyboards on the ODyssey, otherwise production was fantastic...It still tops all the others in quality... And just for +100,000,000 points for me, if I'm not mistaken "some people just look for things to bitch about" well now does that not make you one of those're bitching about how we're apparently insulting Romeo and like knocking our Fav or one of our Fav bands over!
No, I don't think I sound stupid. A bunch of kids sitting on the internet, who have no credibility or even identity, "constructively" criticizing one of the top progressive metal bands in the world?... Yeah, THAT sounds a little bit stupid. I think it's a tad bit pretentious to criticize someone who has more talent and success than most of us can hope for, that's all. SX has toured with bands like Dream Theater and Megadeth - I don't think we're in a place to be giving Romeo pointers on production.
I still think that a Bible of the Machine would be the coolest thing since the birth of Prog.
OfSinsAndShred said:
:lol: Good one.

No, I don't think I sound stupid. A bunch of kids sitting on the internet, who have no credibility or even identity, "constructively" criticizing one of the top progressive metal bands in the world?... Yeah, THAT sounds a little bit stupid. I think it's a tad bit pretentious to criticize someone who has more talent and success than most of us can hope for, that's all. SX has toured with bands like Dream Theater and Megadeth - I don't think we're in a place to be giving Romeo pointers on production.

I'm sorry... was this an "I know more/am better than SymX" thread, or a "personal opinion on how to better fit our individual tastes" thread?
There's no band that is perfect, so I think criticism is something very good to increase the music.
Lots of us are musicians and have experience for years, so they also understand something from music and the guys of SX can read the critics and think about that, then they still could disagree, but as I said criticism is really usefull and they know that they are not perfect and they definitly try to be more perfect.
No, I don't think I sound stupid. A bunch of kids sitting on the internet, who have no credibility or even identity, "constructively" criticizing one of the top progressive metal bands in the world?... Yeah, THAT sounds a little bit stupid. I think it's a tad bit pretentious to criticize someone who has more talent and success than most of us can hope for, that's all. SX has toured with bands like Dream Theater and Megadeth - I don't think we're in a place to be giving Romeo pointers on production.

We never ever said anything about the band not being talented and not being one of tyhe best in the work...This is why i completely discredit everything you say, this is simply a thread of fans talking about how their music really is wicked... And no one ever said they where better at production than Romeo...We all know how good the band is, we all know what they can do and what ROMEO can do and we never not once in this thread judged that or even implied it! There for your whole thing about us being pretencious little freaks and can only hope to be as talented as them is rather useless! All of us love the Odyssey, we where making constructive suggestions about the next one... and most of us don't even expect the bvand to see this, the point is amoung fans, and musicians alike we where meerly given constructive criticism...

PS: We never criticized the bands skill, we where criticising the Production phase...just a tad differ my friend
So there for I consider your case QUASHED!
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