
I always thought maybe it was a false prophet. A whore being a dirty , filthy disgrace of human existance and an oracle as a forseer of the future. You can never trust a whore for she only does things for money or to better herself. Therefore combining the two words you get a flase prophet who brainwashes the minds of people causing them to worship something only to further your own existence to an apocalyptic ending of man who has made her the whore. Look at the cover and see if you get that feeling.
I always thought maybe it was a false prophet. A whore being a dirty , filthy disgrace of human existance and an oracle as a forseer of the future. You can never trust a whore for she only does things for money or to better herself. Therefore combining the two words you get a flase prophet who brainwashes the minds of people causing them to worship something only to further your own existence to an apocalyptic ending of man who has made her the whore. Look at the cover and see if you get that feeling.
That sounds right.
Yeah EVERLOST, that would be great, except you forget that In Flames' lyrics have to do with absolutely nothing at all.

It's like Anders watches Seinfeld all day, tries putting it into words, has Sundin translate them and then they go trigger-happy with a thesaurus.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Yeah EVERLOST, that would be great, except you forget that In Flames' lyrics have to do with absolutely nothing at all.

It's like Anders watches Seinfeld all day, tries putting it into words, has Sundin translate them and then they go trigger-happy with a thesaurus.

I hate Seinfeld.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Yeah EVERLOST, that would be great, except you forget that In Flames' lyrics have to do with absolutely nothing at all.

They asked what the title menat and thats just my interpretation, and since the song WHORACLE is a instrumental , well never know. I dont wanna toot my own horn but I thought my idea was one of the closer ones I have seen or read.

Yeah Cob , Inflames is my fav. band and I personally pay very close attention to everything they do . Everything Anders writes about has to do with the human mind and for some reason I just really enjoy his lyricall stand point. It may not be the best in the world but I truely enjoy it. They are the only band I get die hard serious about. I hang at the Nevermoreboard alot but just cause they make me laugh and I can say stupid things and they think im utterly retarded. Maybe Im just trolling but sometimes I actually include myself in there conversations in a more intelligent way. Most of them seem to be very liberal and democratic and im more republican so i think most of the time its all about your politics as a person.

.......And to Anonymous if you dont understand what Anders is talking about dont listen to them because it insults people like me who grasp just about every concept which he writes about and to say he writes about nothing. Highly disturbs me. Its all in metaphors and I doubt he digs through a thesarus to come up with his concepts.

How can you say Clayman, food for the gods, trigger, ordinary story are about nothing. pinball map is a little vague to me. Also if you read the lyrics to most of the songs off Colony I feel a heightened sense that Anders was going through a religious phase in his life.

The river runs toward the sea but the sea is never full, mmmmmm call me crazy but Im pretty sure thats a quote from the bible.
Also If you look at the back of the cd compared to the booklet the song NEW WORLD , says NEW WORD on the inside, either way both have religions conantations and so does ZOmbie Inc. Wouldnt want you to have to think about anything.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Yeah EVERLOST, that would be great, except you forget that In Flames' lyrics have to do with absolutely nothing at all.

It's like Anders watches Seinfeld all day, tries putting it into words, has Sundin translate them and then they go trigger-happy with a thesaurus.

Actually, a common theme runs through TJR to Colony, its there if you take the time to figure it out, and i like it.
J Mann said:
Actually, a common theme runs through TJR to Colony, its there if you take the time to figure it out, and i like it.
ohhh interesting...what is it? Im sorry, I got no time
In flames doesn't really give me powerfull vibes, just invokes headbanging.
A few bands do give me good vibes, like I can really connect with them, that would be Tool, A Perfect Circle(I like 13th step alot) Opeth and Dream Theater, btw, the new dvd roxers my boxers!
I got a common theme vibe from the three sunrise albums, but the lyrics really do strike me as a load of ambiguous nonsense 80% of the time.