Questions about Quintessence


From: Joe
Date: Oct 20, 2008 10:54 PM

Hey, could you tell me why Simen isn't going to be apart of the new album? I mean did you guys just reconcile and told him he was no longer needed or was he just not available as much as you wanted so you replaced him? I'd love to know when you get a chance, take care man! Can't wait for the new album!

Aort from CODE said:

reasons from both sides really.....simen was way too busy and couldn;t give us the time we needed and kvohst was itching to come back....

hand in glove
You're entitled to your opinion but try not to come off so strong... And the only time Vortex sucks is when you draw him :p Code would have been incredible with him, like Arcturus meets Solefald kinda. Now it will be just 'ok'.
What are you talking about? Have we listened to the same band? :rolleyes: How can you judge until you've even listened anyways....

It was actually really heartbreaking to hear he wouldn't be apart of it, especially last minute. I mean I was waiting for so long since it was announced and kept in contact with Aort and then all of the sudden he wasn't in anymore. If I wasn't expecting it so much it wouldn't have been so bad but it was a total surprise.
I just bought Quintessence (like, yesterday), which is the first Scandanavian metal album I've ever bought. It's cool but I do wonder, does ICS Vortex sing on Colossus? If so, why is that the only song where he actually sings, insteads of growling and yelling? Is there an album on which the vocalist sings the whole time? It turns out that Borknagar is really good, but I can't stand the death growl at all.

And I want to give you a warm Welcome to the norse horde :-)
Takes a little time to understand it all, Quintessence is very intricate in the soundsphere so it takes some listening to if you want to learn to like it.
The vocals are doubbled several places, like Precense is Ominous, try to hear how Vortex added a clean vocal on top of the BM vocal on this one.
I agree they are a bit different compared to his later work, maybe a bit deeper (not his higher pitched tone) but I really like it. Every song on that album has amazing vocal part to me... but meh :p

That is really more what I meant. They aren't as powerful as the ones on Quintessence, and even stuff with Arcturus.

Takes a little time to understand it all, Quintessence is very intricate in the soundsphere so it takes some listening to if you want to learn to like it.
The vocals are doubbled several places, like Precense is Ominous, try to hear how Vortex added a clean vocal on top of the BM vocal on this one.

Indeed it is. The layering of the vocals is very intricate and the instruments sound great. I especially like the bass on Invincible and Icon Dreams. You can tell it is a Rickenbacker 4003/S5 by the split output, one side has full treble (nice bright Ric tone) and the other has full, and deep bass. Vortex was playing that Rickenbacker 4003 at that time, wasn't he?


Was Vortex started to play B.Crap before he quit Borknagar? Don't mind the bass' graphic.
What are you talking about? Have we listened to the same band? :rolleyes: How can you judge until you've even listened anyways....

It was actually really heartbreaking to hear he wouldn't be apart of it, especially last minute. I mean I was waiting for so long since it was announced and kept in contact with Aort and then all of the sudden he wasn't in anymore. If I wasn't expecting it so much it wouldn't have been so bad but it was a total surprise.
You were heart broken because you're Vortex fanboy :lol:
While he was great in Code, they'll be just as good without him. I'd rather they keep on working without him, then having to stop work to wait for him.
No, I was expecting it, didn't matter what band it's just I was looking forward to it for a long time excited then was disappointed, that kind of surprise always makes you feel a bit sick :lol:
but on that photo is not Rickenbacker.. if you take a look at the guitar's head, it's similar to the b.c. photo..



I see that. But who says it is a BC Rich? A lot of brands use that headstock style.


He did use a Rickenbacker for sometime however. Especially in Quintessence, you can hear that classic Ric sound.
You'll learn to like it.

Hey guess what, you're right.

I think there were two reasons I didn't get into it at first.

1) I've never really listened to death metal before, so I was looking for a sound closer to British heavy metal (up the irons!). After listening to The Dethalbum (which is actually really good) I was more in the right mindset to appreciate the screaming and growling.

2) I wasn't listening to it loud enough. :D
It's not death metal, its more along the lines of black metal. Death metal has low growls.

Anyway, glad to hear you're starting to appreciate it :D Yeah, listening to it loud always helps ;)
Death metal would be good for you, you might like the Melodic Death Metal like In Flames, Arch Enemy, and Dark Tranquility, before moving on to the stuff I really like which is Deicide, Morbid Angel, and Cannibal Corpse.