Quorthon died today


Oct 10, 2001
I am still waiting for official confirmation. See my thread in the GMD for more info.

Edit: And I just got a confirmation of sorts, people I trust tell me it's true.
Damn, just when I was discovering Bathory and falling in love with the man, in the gay way.
well, I'm waiting for an official statement. I still remember everyone went apeshit when a rumor was going around about a member of Nokturnal Mortum dying in a drive-by.
Shocking that we don't have a single Bathory review at RC. Not that I haven't asked a million times already....

...and now the man is dead. We better do a full-on feature to honour his memory.
Hey how are those Nordland albums? They seem like something I would like, but should I buy more old Bathory first? I only have Blood Fire Death and Hammerheart.
Alright, to honour the man, we should get a feature done ASAP (for releases both good and bad). Yay or nay?

The Return
Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Blood Fire Death
Twilight of the Gods
Blood on Ice
Destroyer of Worlds
Nordland I
Nordland II

RC staff - take your pick.

I'll also open this up to the public: forum regulars, if you want to contribute any reviews for these albums, I'll publish them at RC. No harm in having more than one review per album either...