Quote thread

Can't remember exactly how it started out...

*bunch of us talking to British Chick*
Vince stumbling by : I don't like British people, they all have horrible teeth.
British Chick : *stares in shock*
Well, I learned a lesson.

The secret to me getting in good with the ladies is to KEEP MY FREAKING MOUTH SHUT.

That's the SECOND time in recent memory I have done something like that. Best part is, I don't even actually think that about the Brits.

At least there wasn't a French girl around ;)
Dr - "have you been coughing anything up? Maybe like yellow/greenish in color?"

Me - "Actually I have been coughing up A LOT of stuff, but it's kind of a brown color."

Dr - "Do you smoke, Vince?"

Me - "No."

Dr - "oh...... ummm..... that shouldn't be happening"

I LOL'd. I also failed to mention I have probably been exposed to more second hand smoke then any other living human being. Woops.
fat white trash redneck guy at my work : yeah so back in high school my nickname was (get ready for this) "MILENKO"
Fat white trash redneck guy at my work : so yeah when i get my collostamy bag it's going to be awesome, especially when i bring it to work!
nerdy reject 26 year old virgin at my work: I'm just really religious ok, so when i goto confession i confess everything
Me: So you know masturbation's a sin right?
Nerdy reject 26 year old virgin at my work: Yeah, so what dude i confess it
Me:eek:h wow OH WOW
and for the finale...
nerdy reject 26 year old virgin at my work: Yeah, so when you see carpet like that does it remind you of your girlfriends pubes, you know, like a pube carpet??

none of these are made up btw WORD FOR WORD