Rahvin Totally Rules!


Apr 13, 2002
Well I just want to share my feelings - I've been in serious denial and excruciating doubt about a number of important things in the last few days, resulting in diffuse angst and suffering. Now rahvin is just taking the truth out of me, whatever it is (we're in mid-process). Gotta love the guy.

hyena :)
:oops: :oops:

now is the right time to be extremely power-metal oriented.

ok, the next one to start a thread about rahvin will taste my holy steel on his/her sorry bum, and no joke about it! :mad:


:oops: :oops:

rahvin. (steel gets rusty)
Originally posted by rahvin
ok, the next one to start a thread about rahvin will taste my holy steel on his/her sorry bum, and no joke about it! :mad:

Aaargghh, fuck! I wanted to start a thread called: "Rahvin's intimacy from the sight of a robot". :cry:
phyre: more items to purchase plz ;)

and i demand a shirt in girlie size! :mad:

Siren (self-proclaimed cheerleader of the rahvin-fanclub :p)

Edit: i _love_ the teddybear detail :D
:eek: good lord, what have you done this time, hyena! :eek:

now now, no cheerleaders, no fanclubs, no newsletters, ok? the t-shirt was absolutely chupi, tho. :)

@phyre: :lol: :lol: (i loved the alcohol detail, possibly i'll be willing to share ;) ).

rahvin. (a newsletter day in our nowhere industrial town)
We must worship rahvin... :worship:

Hmm... the t-shirt is trippy. phyre does seem to have a lot of time on his hands. ;)
Originally posted by LadyCal
T-shirts,stickers,.. - they are o.k. - but so small - just a few people can see them - I think everyone here with an own homepage should build a special site just for rahvin! ;) :) ;)

may i remind you of the snake-filled doom that awaits you? :devil:

Originally posted by LadyCal
Hey,I said I like snakes ;) just waiting to find one in the mail - or do I have to come to you? :confused:

poor critters, dead in your mailbox in a plastic bag. :cry:
of course it'd be easier if you did your part in helping me throw you into the snakepit, like coming here, bringing a few reptiles... show some collaboration, please. :)
