Rammstein live rig...only 6 rectifiers in a rack

Well.. now that I think of it.. I've seen worse.. Yngwie still tops everyone and he uses his massive set up in bars...

Seriously, he played the Masquerade in ATL and had the wall of plugged in marshall stacks... and that room is NOT BIG at all...
A lot of jealousy and bizarre anger in this thread. Why lash out at RZ using 8 rectifiers when he obviously likes it and can afford it, and not at certain members here for having extensive amp collections which by the logic displayed here could be considered equally unnecessary? Or better yet, why have any feeling at all regarding his rig choice? It is his own choice and seems extremely pointless to get mad about it.
Well.. now that I think of it.. I've seen worse.. Yngwie still tops everyone and he uses his massive set up in bars...

Seriously, he played the Masquerade in ATL and had the wall of plugged in marshall stacks... and that room is NOT BIG at all...

Lawls at Yngwie at the Masquerade with a wall of Marshalls hjahaha.

If I could afford 8 Rectifiers I probably would do the same thing haha.
It's a discussion forum... it's what we do... discuss things. And yes I am equally baffled by some members' amp collections, but at least most of the time those are different types of amps - different colors on the sonic palette for whatever they're doing. We're talking 6 Rectifiers here. It's obviously excessive. I'm not sure if I'm alone with this thought, but I believe not having an army of amps on stage hasn't ever hurt a band with something worthwhile to communicate musically.
I don't think I've read any angry comments cause of their rectos.
I love rectos and I'd like to have 100 of them, they can afford it, so why not do it.
BUT that doesn't help the music which isn just childish shit.
still, of course I'd play that music myself if I'd get paid that much for it, if I was in the band I wouldn't change a single thing, seems to be working for them.
doesn't mean that you can't voice a personal opinion/taste...and mine is that the music and especially the lyrics suck more cock than a tornado on a chicken farm
Someone talked about the flames the lights and said the tone was not that great.
I saw Rammstein in 1999 in the biggest stadium here in Argentina, at River Plate's. Rammstein was on tour with KISS. The sound was awsome! I never heard something that good ever since, maybe Metallica was near to its quality. 11 years ago Rammstein blowed my brain. Now in November they will be here again. With all the achievements in technology I can't imagine how well the will sound now here!
Trust me it's going to be worth it. Rammstein has the most amazing show with lights, fire, water, shit you name it. So the price justifies what they actually spend on blowing stuff up live.

Yeah, I know. Rammstein is probably my greatest inspiration when it comes to riff writting. After seen the Volkerball DVD I had my jaw dropped.

But still, $100 is a fucking shitload of money for a gig, specially when you consider that $100 here feels like $200 based on our economy.
Well... that's what you pay when you go see Madonna... so I don't see why Rammstein would be any different - although Rammstein's live show is undoubtedly more appealing than seeing Madonna's elderly snatch being shook around like a drunk spilling his kebab.
A lot of jealousy and bizarre anger in this thread. Why lash out at RZ using 8 rectifiers when he obviously likes it and can afford it, and not at certain members here for having extensive amp collections which by the logic displayed here could be considered equally unnecessary? Or better yet, why have any feeling at all regarding his rig choice? It is his own choice and seems extremely pointless to get mad about it.
Who's angry or lashing out? Everyone has said it's awesome. The criticism is that it's unnecessary. So is a Ferrari. Or more aptly, having 8 Ferrari's - one to drive, 6 to look at and one in case one of the others get's scratched.
It's still cool it just doesn't have anything to do with need or providing the best sound for the show. But again, it's awesome.
great video, thanks for the link..

i dont see a problem with having 8 rectos in use.. i love em, and i would probably do the same if i have some guys who carry them around for me ;)
what i really loved is the idea with the "Tuning-Pickup" :)
As far as the video goes, I can respect the desire to put on a good live show, but there is a point where you hit overkill and realize an Axe-FX could probably do it all much more efficiently, and nobody out there would tell the difference.

That's only Richards rig. Guess what Paul is using? And guess who gave him the idea? ;)
Am I the only one who loves the ramstein tone for the Reise Reise album? To me it feels like someone trying to rip your face off. Also I love the band, I think about 90% of their lyrics are retarded but the music as a whole I love.
When you're playing on a stage the kind of size that they play on you need serious power to fill it. A triple rec is only 120watts, so if you want hear your amp all over your side of the stage you need lots of amp. Anyway, you think he actually pays for his gear?