When you're playing on a stage the kind of size that they play on you need serious power to fill it. A triple rec is only 120watts, so if you want hear your amp all over your side of the stage you need lots of amp. Anyway, you think he actually pays for his gear?
They´re going to play here this year. Fuckin $100 dollars. No other band, just Rammstein. Is this the price they charge around the world?
It was 75 euros (about 94 USD) the previous time they played here, February 2010. So, yeah, that's what the tickets costuke: They keep saying almost all of the money goes to the stage setup, but surely it can't cost almost half a million each night :S Maybe 100 000 euros tops. But then again, if you earn (probably) 20 000 euros per night for 150 nights, surely it is of no consequence if you have 1 or 10 heads for personal monitoring
Even if it is Mesa with the bloated European prices.
I bought the ticket today with 50% student discount (fake student card, by the way). I can´t understand a word in german so I guess that it is a bonus lol
These prices are ridiculous. 5 years ago they big bands gigs on great places used to be $30 at max.
These prices are ridiculous. 5 years ago they big bands gigs on great places used to be $30 at max.
Holy shit. The first time I saw Opeth, it was in 2003, and they played a crappy club with sticky floors. Tickets were $70. Iron Maiden tickets a couple of years back were $170 (or $250 if you wanted better seats). I'd be pretty happy to see Rammstein (and all of their ridiculous pyrotechnics) for $100.