Random Acts of Metalness

" Everybody has the power to be a personality...only few have the courage to be real"
The Eagle Has Landed

Goodbye for now

Always watch the sky
Always remember that Gurilla is a lost child with a hairy back
and when he farts or burps, the smell of vasaline is always present. I now, he has paper route now, so he can aford KY Jelly

Hate comes to those who deserve

Signing out 3 2 1 ...
Well my friend
I;m like Sybil
Many many many have I said many( personalities)

You Know you are a alright coil when you can wake up EVERY day ,and look into the mirror and "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT HIPPY"
A joke ..when you KNOW that you are doing the best you can,you have won that gane of life.I KNOW nothing ,but I am 193 years old !!!!And I KNOW if Iris ever met Gurria-Mongloid ,She would give him a Concusion.You go girl (Opra is the devil)

Look to the sky for the answers
For the sky is endless
There is no answers
Drink up its last call
My very presents here is a lie
Lizzy Borden was a lumberJack (axe)
It makes for copy and tv !
I have heard that the Jesus story is a sham as well!
The Great and Secret Show

Oh yeah are you stating that she did not have++++pesonalities?
En Vind Av Sorg...:rock:
Yeah, man keep the black metal legend alive... tell me man satyr that claims today to be the king of black metal where the fuck was he when all that shit took place and the police went apeshit and started arresting whoever they saw wearing black or having long hair etc.
Originally posted by The Knowing One

The Great and Secret Show

:grin: I loved that...!!!!

And yes you have sister...but like you have said..it is always nice to hear! Love, hugs, and kisses to you!!

P.S. Puzzles are fun sister! :lol:
once while i was pissed i climbed up on a statue of mary outside the local church and pissed on it lol
and my mate jonno was banging on the door going "OPEN THE DOOR JEHOVA YOU WHORE, FOR I AM THE SERVANT OF WHO OWNS THIS WORLD!!"

Why try? World dies, christ hides
When Satan rules his world
Disease, run free, killing
When Satan rules his world
Religion, infliction,obscene
When Satan rules his world
Witness, dismissed, executed
When Satan rules his world
Bump.This thread has potential.....Lots of it.

Random act of metal WOOAH!...Ozzfest a few years back with Pantera(shows how long ago it was) ended up shouting "BOLLOCKS"at 4am for aout half and hour.Then the arson started.....Good days.....
Originally posted by Tee
deconstruction of the scull.....

Main Entry: scull
Pronunciation: 'sk&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English sculle
Date: 14th century
1 a : an oar used at the stern of a boat to propel it forward with a thwartwise motion b : either of a pair of oars usually less than 10 feet (3 meters) in length and operated by one person
2 : a racing shell propelled by one or two persons using sculls

So you work with boats and such? :confused:
But the crazy sailors have the most fun.
usualy because they cant stop laughing anyway

AHAHAAHAHAAAHAAHAHAAAHAAA*cough* must quit smoking *cough* Rember kids! Even an evil dictator sounds silly with a smokers cough!