Random House's Top 100 Books of the Twentieth Century

supremacy of rationality is an ideal but it does not account for the weakness of humans, namely, that emotions and opinions (which are often NOT rational) play a major part in how we live. Rand brings up alot of interesting points that are fun to contemplate but at the end of the day, she is the opposite of the spectrum from communism; man is too selfish for communism to work (i.e., people WANT to be more than the others) and second, an Uber - libertarianism doesn't work either, because we bond emotionally with our families and extended tribe.

Rand is popular among alot of metal types because metal types see themselves as outsiders, as lone wolves swimming against the stream.
yes excellent comments Lizard. if you think about it, she is closer to communism than one thinks, as her cold scientific stance towards humans, is closer to the cold anti human stance of communism than one would think.

Her Zarathusra tries to stand beyond good and evil for rationality and ego's sake--yet she never seems to get beyond black and white morality.

Still as much as i hate her, I can see how she was a product of early 20th century thought; she just put it to paper rather poorly in her novels. Are her philosophical writngs any better?
as fun as philosophical concepts are to flog, they are generally the products of someone who is formulating them without that hard crucible of life testing them. Thomas Hobbes thought life was nasty, brutish and short, and sure, to some degree he's right, but its hard to imagine he ever had to plead with a Fagin for another bowl of fucking porridge...although I know Rand did spend some time in the Russian revolution so maybe I'm partially wrong.
I understand she came from a rather well off family, who got her out of Russia, and put her up in America. She didnt do it on her own.

No I agree Lizard, she is just a philosopher; its just that she is so intellectually shallow, I cannot understand her popularity in this country--or wait, Ive just explained why she is popular.
When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit.
Ayn Rand

It appears as if you guys are mistaking the virtue of rationality with being some sort of all knowing mystical deity. Obviously a person can be wrong and still be rational about things. If you weigh the pro's and con's, and actually think. Speed, this is what troubles me about you. You're comment stating how many people would not have homes without a government handout. That is a lazy way of thinking about life. Rather than striving to achieve things on your own. Getting your stuff together, working your ass off, and saving up a nice down payment for a home. You figure...fuck the U.S government will give me a nice helping first time buyer handout. Yipfuckinge aye?!?!?

Do you read everything as a whole? Are you in search of some sort of philosphical guru to guide you to zenith? I don't have an Ayn Rand shrine in which I bring offerings to. When I read a writers workings I take the bits and pieces I agree with and attempt to expand on those. There are many segments of her idealogy in which I am in disagreement. But the fact that you write her off as some sort of early 20th century L. Ron Hubbard Lianetics writing looney is just uncalled for my good man. I just don't see how anyone can read Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead and not feel uplifted by these idealistic characters. To be driven to acheive to the best of your ability. To do whatever task you do and do it to the absolute. This is what she is promoting. Rationality, Individualism, Spiritual supremacy by looking into yourself and thriving to live your life in the very way you wish to live it. Not by living life for Mommy Dearest, not for the incompetent lemming to your left, or the simpleton who tells you "this is the way it should be". Don't compromise with your emotions. Only one life to live guys. Don't let this cultural shit stain we live in proselytize you into being a pussy. I'm all for love and giving to others. But not when it turns out being a liability on ones own character.

And in the famous words of Mrs Rand.

To say "I love you" one must first be able to say the "I."
Blech, that sounds awful.
Atlas Shrugged said:
To be driven to acheive to the best of your ability. To do whatever task you do and do it to the absolute.
Fuck that, I've been half-assing my way through life and it's working out fucking great. :)
Lol!!! (I've been 1/8 assing for the past 2 hours on messageboards. Good ole desk jobs) ;)

Note- I want this conversation to remain civil. If this was any other UM board I'd get on my flame soapbox. But truth be told, I actually respect everyone's opinions here. Even if they differ from mine.

I also want to apologize for calling you stupid in my first post speed. Ye believe what you believe. Nothing stupid about that. Cheers from San Paulo
I think even when serious insults do fly around here, people shouldn't take them to heart really, because within 2 days they'll sell you a CD for cheap or send you an mp3 or something. I don't consider this one of those faceless boards, especially since a lot of the regulars have met in person.

Oh, what am I really trying to say here!? GROUP HUG!!!!!1111nineteen
One Inch Man said:

Oh, what am I really trying to say here!? GROUP HUG!!!!!1111nineteen
No I said some harsh things too man. If we didnt argue with passion, why bother?

First, you are talking to a hardcore nihilist here. Being a nothingness junkie and dork, Ive read everthing from the great anarchists ( Proudhon and the wonderful Bakunin), Commies ( Lenin, Marx), capitalists ( forced to read most all of them), philosophers, psychologists and writers ( from Nietszche to Camus etc.) and nowhere have I come across such a bankrupt philosophy as Ms. Rands. I am also a graduate student in economics and international development, so please, read the below comments. And Of course, I am anyhting but a positivist either; and I suppose Rand is as deep as 20th century positivist philosophy can go.

And, I think you have watched too many John Wayne movies. And being a Brazilian I am shocked you dont see the fallacy of what you are preaching. You know the federal government has pretty much subsidized every house in America; it has built every highway, every sewer, etc, etc. Without such improvements, where do you think our economy would be? Would businesses build highways? I suppose if they received a gov monopoly they would--but this would lead us back to the days of the horribly corrupt railroad industry. Brazil perhaps? No middle class, millions of people forced to pull themselves up ala Rand? We see how well that is going for you. The middle class is just booming epecially in the north of the country ( and I am being sarcastic of course)--Fortaleza etc. And i find it intereseting that the most economically prosperous city in Brazil these days is Curitiba--the most pro government city in South America.

Hell most investment is based on homeownership these days. Without the FED, who knows what the monetary situation would be like? The government is important, it may be inefficient, it certiantly cant plan very well; but without an effective gov, its the Third World. Of course, America right now is undergoing a transformation towards the kind of ideas Rand and her shallow cronies postulated. And look at what it is getting us, retirements and benefits are disappearing, roads and infrastructure are crumbling, our personal spending power is the lowest in 15 years, the gap between rich and poor has increased,good jobs disappear every day, college cost are becoming obscene. This is all a result of this rational individualism, a belief gov crowds out markets, is inefficient etc. Her philosophy is bankrupt; it benefits very very few, and offers them no spiritual fulfillment--only money and ego.

And that is all I can really say on the subject.
I am frequently Naked In Front Of The Computer, unless I'm at work, so mine is truthful as well. Others have been Air-Conditioned Nightmare (true for work) and A Warm Place because, well shit, the desert is fucking hot and I spend a lot of time there. I like to switch between those three, because they are all badass songs that rule, as shown by this guy representing each song individually:

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Nice to see where you are coming from Mr. Speed. I don't really have too much time to respond right now. (Unless I wish to get thrown out on my ear for overabusing my slacker work privileges)

A quick note to everyone. I actually hail from Los Angeles, California. The only thing Brazilian about me is my fascination with them. As months ago I shared a pseudo intimate moment with a Brazilian stripper named Melinda who rocked my world. Ever since then I have raised the amazonian flag high in the air, with deep regards. As one day it is my dream to inoculate every orifice of a San Paulo princess with a tincture of my transparent testicular based bosco.