random joke thread

child_of_bodom666 said:
There was an interview at US immigration office:
Q: Your name, please?
A: Abdul Azis
Q: sex?
A: 3 times a week
Q: No, I meant male or female?
A: No matter, sometimes even camel

buehheheheahhahahahah :lol: :lol: :D :) :D

That was hilarious....

try this one:

Why the blonde keeps newspapers in the fridge?
Cuz she wanna have fresh news in the mornings :D
yeap...blondes rock so hard...
you like blond jokes then.
hitler and his nazi gang were walking around. they grabed a red head a brunet and a blond. hitler went to the red head, pointed his gun and said 1...2... and the red head shouted ''tidle wave'' they turned round to check and the red head ran off.
he then went to the brunet with his gun. 1.......2......and she shouted ''tornado'' they looked round to check and the brunet ran off.
hitler next pointed his gun and the blond.1............2.............and the blond shouted ''fire''.........BANG.