My Blackmoor died last night. I took this 10 cm and atleast 6 yr old fella from some so called friends.
I'm not into telescope and bubble eyed fishies but it was in their pond and Ritchie was looking wooly white, all over.
Pond was infected with Gyrodactylus worms and i took the blackmoor with me. It also missed one bellyfin, due to a heron attack.
I put it in quarantine and medicated it for 8 weeks, it recovered from the infection, turned black again and i put it in my tank.
Even the fin was slowly growing back. I was very happy with a healthy blackmoor the last 6 months but last wednesday i found him floating and lying on his side. Poor thing swallowed too much air and it's swimblatter got infected and it had to swim with all his power, to get to the bottom for his food. I put it apart but i think exhaustion and medicines were just too much for this old fart.
Now i only have 2 fantails left, because the smallest of the three, died 2 months ago.
I'm planning to redecorate and put a school of
Tanichthys Albonubes and a different species of loaches
Pseudogastromyzon Cheni in my tank.
But for now, i let the fantail couple (♀ & ♂

rule the tank.