Random Rant...


¯\(°_o)/¯ How Do Trigger?
Apr 29, 2010
I swear to Jesus.. if one more mother fucker calls me ma'am I'm gonna fucking shoot someone.. I understand that I work in an office with 48 women, and 5 male doctors.. but SHIT.. pay attention to what you see and hear before you speak.. I have a baritone voice and side burns for christ sake...

FML, I hate my job (guess I am glad to actually have one, but still... fucking Thomasville)

I swear to Jesus.. if one more mother fucker calls me ma'am I'm gonna fucking shoot someone.. I understand that I work in an office with 48 women, and 5 male doctors.. but SHIT.. pay attention to what you see and hear before you speak.. I have a baritone voice and side burns for christ sake...

FML, I hate my job (guess I am glad to actually have one, but still... fucking Thomasville)


damn lady, you get your period this week or what?
Do you have a cunt?


I know why, I'm the only guy that works here and the office is in a town full of retards... they expect there to be a girl at checkout just like there is a girl in every other position here (except for 5 of the 9 doctors...).. They usually correct themselves as well... it's just the first time it's ever happened like 5 times in an afternoon... I mean I've been here for three years and they keep saying "Oh, your new here aren't you" when I made the appointment for them when there were here last month... I hate this town...

haha... that's the brightside, but the patients drive me fucking nuts...

Just learn how to do that look that says "I am coming to your home when you are sleeping to force you to eat your own insides.".. works for me every time(Not that people think im a girl though. :lol:)!
Just learn how to do that look that says "I am coming to your home when you are sleeping to force you to eat your own insides.".. works for me every time(Not that people think im a girl though. :lol:)!

But then again...you look like Dave Mustaine...so who would f*ck with you? :D
Why not cut your hair?

If it bothers you, then do something about it.

See, if it was just about the hair it wouldn't bother me...

The problem stems from people being dumb enough to expect only women to be working at the front desk at the damn doctors office. It happened even before I started regrowing my hair out (and I had a beard at the time)..

It's just like, don't come right up and say "Ma'am are you the one I give this paper to... (I Look Up) Oh sorry sir..." I mean, these are people that I've seen every couple of months for three and a half years... atleast most of them the fact that they do apologize for the mistake..

It's not really that big of a deal I guess.. just started getting on my nerves earlier because It's never happened so often in one day.. *shrug* it's whatever at this point, at least I get paid to sit on here all day and collect money.. (even though Insurance is taking a fucking bite out of my ass -- Seriously considering dropping it in Nov.)

But yeh, maybe I should regrow the beard, anyways, my main point is people should pay attention to who they're talking to before the walk up and make a blind assumption that a girl is working at the desk, you know..
