Rank these thrash bassists

dave ellefson is good but newsted is better
burton a must have no 1 then jason then frank bello then ellefson then testaments bass player i reckon
instead of making a list im gonna just throw out to everyone that, at least to me, a bassits, (or guitarist, drummer, vocalist, etC) is completely different than a musician.
one focuses on playing ability of a perticular instrument, the other focuses on everything from song writing, stage presence, originality, etc.
I don't think Wooten, Les or Flea could hold a candle next to Cliff, but other than that pretty much agree. I play a little bass, that's why I asked. It didn't occur to me that people who aren't pretty familiar with it, wouldn't be interested, but it makes sense. Maybe more people would be interested in guitarists, should I give that a try?

I think Cliff is a lock as #1. I would say Ellefson is the only guy that comes close to him. The others are tougher to decide, for a lot of reasons, mainly because bass isn't seen as a necessity in thrash and a lot of them didn't get many chances to show what they could do. Still, I think most of them are pretty good bassists.
I know cliff was fucking good, But metallica even said themselves when robert and all the other bassists were trying out for metallica that they dont know if cliff would have got the job if he had of been there that day. Robert is a fucking good bassist.