rare prog from early 70s

I found the song that Opeth uses for their intro music:

Popul Vuh - Der Ruf der Rohrflöte

While listening to the song I keep expecting Lopez to lead in with the hi-hat.

edit: "Ruf" not "Ref"
Yeah, this thread is great. I've gone from 1 prog album to 30 since this was posted (all mp3s because I have no money :-\) and I've bought my first LP ever (Camel - Rain Dances).
LordHypnos said:
thanks dorian. its unfortunate nobody really feels like posting in this thread anymore....a lot of potential information and fun could be had. :erk:
its a solid thread. mike has even posted here. cant go wrong with that.
dorian gray said:
its a solid thread. mike has even posted here. cant go wrong with that.

which is strange, because technically this thread is completely against this forums rules....its not relating to opeth or their music...yet even mikael was happy enough to post here.
LordHypnos said:
which is strange, because technically this thread is completely against this forums rules....its not relating to opeth or their music...yet even mikael was happy enough to post here.
yeah, that has all kinds of implications for the current "nothing other than opeth!" crackdown. i think decadent brought it up - to no avail.

what are you thoughts on these bands as progressive rock/metal:
fates warning
still chekcing out artists from this thread. found some really great ones.
especially Renaissance. I got song of sheherazade and its amazing!
Steve Hillage is quality...pretty underrated efforts in many prog circles...people get too worried about bands like flower kings and other nonsense.

all 3 steves are excellent...

Steve Howe
Steve Hacket
Steve Hillage check them out!
Alternative 3 said:
Flowe kings are shitty, their keyboard sound is so cheesy.
Yes. The flower kings are very overrated and boring. Headed by Roine stolt...who actually did some good progressive music back in the 70s with Kaipa...now making very rehashed prog in the vein of Yes and Genesis...lots of cheese keyboards, predictable guitars and compositions.

Granted, theyre better than a lot of current music...but as a progressive band...they should certainly shed their infatuation with the genesis/yes archetype and structure, and find their own voice...they have the talent physically...maybe just not mentally/creatively?
Dunno if its mentioned yet but for some good sampling of prog. go to www.progarchives.com
Its got pretty good samples including lots of symphonic prog. stuff that Mikael plugged in the reviews at darkwood.
Abhorsen said:
Agree about the Steves. I was surprised at how good Hackett's latest is, To Watch the Storms. Best record since Voyage of the Acolyte in terms of consistency.

agreed. i dont yet own the album...but have heard most of it from a friend, and was pleasantly suprised at his output after all these years. hopefully we can get a similiarly consistant output from the opeth camp or some of its members for that long as well? :)
LordHypnos said:
ive heard the name i beleive. but due to the nature of the name, i never took enough interest to check them out. any good?

i'm not sure, but i've heard some rumors that they are really amazing. but, i'm a bit suspicious about that since you've never heard anything about em.
Well, i checked out two songs. I didnt realize it was a Roine Stolt project. In any case, i liked it better than flower kings, but it still might not be that great. ill see if i can check out more of the album elsewhere before i make a final decision.

as for some more swedish prog/psyche which is really good...check out "Dungen"...absolutely fantastic. sung in swedish, but some amazing melodies and musicianship, as well as vintage atmosphere.
LordHypnos I love the Third Ear Band but only have the Macbeth album.
Thanks to everyone for the recommendations.