RC party-fest in NYC -- throwing some ideas out...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
OK so nothing concrete yet, but we've been talking about hosting a party in NYC. Call it an "RC gathering", provided of course the regular RC crowd wants to hang out!! What say you?

We've got a good community going here, plus the local metal fanbase in NYC isn't bad. Turns out that almost every underground show we go to, including ProgPower and Heathen Crusade, the same local folks turn up....so it would be the RC gang + others from our metal community in the tri-state area.

So why not host something ourselves now? We think it's feasible. We'll be checking venues shortly. Hopefully we can find something at a reasonable cost.

The idea is to hire a small venue/bar, maybe have a band or 2 play for us, get a metal DJ to spin some classic metal all night long, beer will be flowing, etc. :kickass:

I spoke privately with Sfarog about this and he said that GWYNBLEIDD could definitely play for us. They'd obviously get an extended set too, and their new material is sounding awesome. :kickass: :kickass:

It'll be a night on the town in NYC... :headbang:
And yes, MFJ, if you want to add NOLTEM on this bill, opening for Gwynbleidd, you are more than welcome.

NOLTEM + GWYNBLEIDD on the same bill at our own RC party-fest would rule. :kickass:
I'd definitely come down if it was even remotely feasible.
I'm working full time for the summer so I'll have money. Don't know if I'll manage to get any time off, but we'll see.
Oh yeah, it would most likely be a Saturday. It gives people time to get in, stay the night, and head on out on Sunday.

That said, although I'm 'local', I too would grab a hotel room. No way am I missing the hotel room parties. :tickled:
and we're off ...

there is no excuse for anyone in 150-200 mile radius not to come down to this.

i am just going to sit back and lurk in this thread. :loco:
man, sounds great. but with a kid due in late july, it wont happen for me most likely. keep the updates going. you never know. the wife actually owes me a trip since i had to cancel on HCII
If I could be supplied with an escort (preferably a limo), I would be more than happy to be fashionably late to this little shindig.
Grand idear, Ali. It'd be great to party some of you guys again. I'm sure Jerry would be up to flying out there as well. Let me know how this comes along...

Recognizing that some of you folks will have to travel in for this, we salute you! I've sent an e-mail invite to NAD too.

We're trying to add some further incentive here for everyone, trying to avoid this becoming just a plain ol' night out -- GWYNBLEIDD is the first bonus. (I'm waiting for Sfarog to chime in here and give us his take on the idea!!)

Want to get a good crowd going, so bands can bring their entourage, friends feel free to invite other friends, and so on. Let's make this into something memorable. :headbang: