Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Heh. She does look like her avatar. Handsome fellow, too. Hey, I'm not really interested, but all this secrecy stuff made me curious (I'm a curious person). Someone post a pic of xenophobe's ugly mug, yeah?
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
@Lady of the Oracle: You look like your avatar :eek: :lol: Nice pic! ;)

Thanks! :)

I have a pic or few of, who has the most money? :p

Hey I do too..who knew that having pics of Xeno might be lucrative! ;)

Originally posted by rustymetal
@When you say you're the one on the right, do you mean the right in the foreground, or in the background??

-Feels very awkward- gee, thanks...pal...actually, I gave all the hair to Cancer children, haha, I thought it was kind of weird. Mailing of this rope-like severed ponytail...very weird. I am thinking of starting down the road of regrowing the hair very soon, that I am employed again...
Originally posted by sh0kr0k

Here's me! I'm also in my avatar



*drools a bit more* :D
Originally posted by Wandrail
-Feels very awkward- gee, thanks...pal...actually, I gave all the hair to Cancer children, haha, I thought it was kind of weird. Mailing of this rope-like severed ponytail...very weird.

That is SO awesome. My dad died of a brain tumor & in my research trying to understand it all, I've met a lot of people dealing with cancer, & it's the kids that are the saddest..especially kids with brain tumors, cuz unlike other cancers, brain tumors are ALWAYS fatal. I respect the hell out of you for making a sacrifice like that, Wandrail..bless you & your generous heart.
Originally posted by Wandrail both when I had long hair, oh, anytime prior to 3 months ago, and a more recent one of me after an annoying day at work :mad:



maybe those worked...


Mmmm...... Eric! Damn you're a hottie!! But you already know I think that! :eek: Edu's got nothing on you! :lol: And you know what, I didn't know you donated the hair you cut - that's so fucking awesome of you!! That's so awesome and, dare I say, sweet of you! *tackle-hugs!* And just when I thought you couldn't get any better!:D

Oh, and allow me to cast my vote for you growing your hair back :) (despite the "funny looking" phase that everyone goes through). Eventhough I'm biased and I think you're hot either way, I still think you have some awesome looking long hair! ((And it's naturally dark - this is a plus!)) *basks in first-hand knowledge of Eric's hotness* :D :D
