Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Damnit Eric, you need an icon! I made you 3 for use on the XG,net boards about a week before PP3 and kept forgetting to give them to you..

You definately DO NOT have to use these if you don't want to, I just had fun creating them one night and you need a kick in the ass to get an avatar! :)

~Sh0k~ ..doing her philosophy papers so the metal-as-hell Wandrail can call her lonely arse :]
Hahaha...look at that...thanks, darlin'. Maybe when we get those PP3 pics there will actually be a halfway decent pic of me as I look right now...until then, these are just crushing, thanks. -sweeps up and carries off- ...mine ;).

Oh no...if you bring up eyes, and make start writing about what its like staring into yours...this will never end...and we will be expelled from this great metal community! Hahah...-remembers anyway- ...oh God...that was just...a bit more than a week ago?!

Restless...heheh...I will just be content to knowingly sit here and grin, lost in thought, memories, and mental

:oops: Yes, the last thing I want to do is get excommunicated from the best place on the whole friggen net! Yeesh that would suck! That's what we've got for, though I love that place dearly as well *chuckles* They'll never kick me out of there, therefore you have immunity too. But tread carefully we must in this place of the metal ones, for we have not yet gained respect and trust from the mainstays who hold the control.

*forgets that and drowns freely in Eric-memories*
Okay okay, I said I would stop on this thread *zips lips*

Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
Since we have new people in here, and my pic disappeared under the masses of new posts, here is me again :p

Choose '2 Described Photos'

Oh, and it's not a good one :s taken a month ago at a Halloween party..

You're so cute, I love your hair! You look like your icon too!
If it was Halloween, what was your costume?

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
You're so cute, I love your hair! You look like your icon too!
If it was Halloween, what was your costume?

:oops: :lol: :lol: I was a princess, see, I'm wearing a tiara....:cry: I know.... ;)

@Hearse: *kick in the bum with Kontion kokoa 47 saappailla* :mad: