Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by nØthing
Well here's some more pictures of me, since I doubt anybody wants to go out of their way to see me :( :

Now don't laugh at me...
The ones at the bottom are more recent.

Great Pictures man.......:)

..... but I have a question..... has anybody realized that the most of persons who has posted their pictures, advice before about don´t laugh???????:confused:
Originally posted by sh0kr0k
:eek: I'm not wearing corpsepaint in that picture! It was just photoshopped and I came out pale with darker eyes :lol:


My apologies for taunting you... :lol: I thought you were really wearing corpsepaint! :p

There are some here that think that's a good thing.

Okay everyone... get ready to laugh. :p

Here's ME:


Mr Nothing...... where are you from dude? Self Esteem fucked my life up for ages. I hate what the human mind is capable of!! I'm still pretty fukt at the mo but trying to battle on.
Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Mmmm...... Eric! Damn you're a hottie!! But you already know I think that! :eek: Edu's got nothing on you! :lol: And you know what, I didn't know you donated the hair you cut - that's so fucking awesome of you!! That's so awesome and, dare I say, sweet of you! *tackle-hugs!* And just when I thought you couldn't get any better!:D

Oh, and allow me to cast my vote for you growing your hair back :) (despite the "funny looking" phase that everyone goes through). Eventhough I'm biased and I think you're hot either way, I still think you have some awesome looking long hair! ((And it's naturally dark - this is a plus!)) *basks in first-hand knowledge of Eric's hotness* :D :D


Haha, wow I beat out Edu? Fantastic...:lol: Very metal of me to help the cancer kids, very grim and trve and kvlt of me ;). Nothing more nihilistic than having compassion for kiddies, harhar. Kidding, of course, the least I could do, especially after my hero Chuck Schuldiner died of cancer, not that he was a kid, but dammit, you know...

I don't think the regrowing of the hair will start just YET, but soon...very soon...and of course your opinion, Tammy, is the only one besides my own that holds any weight whatsoever, heheh. You're the only one who will continue to have "first hand" knowledge, muahaha. -grin grin wink wink- Argh, you're so damn cute, why can't you be here now...D:<

Originally posted by Wandrail
Haha, wow I beat out Edu? Fantastic...:lol: Very metal of me to help the cancer kids, very grim and trve and kvlt of me ;). Nothing more nihilistic than having compassion for kiddies, harhar. Kidding, of course, the least I could do, especially after my hero Chuck Schuldiner died of cancer, not that he was a kid, but dammit, you know...

I don't think the regrowing of the hair will start just YET, but soon...very soon...and of course your opinion, Tammy, is the only one besides my own that holds any weight whatsoever, heheh. You're the only one who will continue to have "first hand" knowledge, muahaha. -grin grin wink wink- Argh, you're so damn cute, why can't you be here now...D:<


Shoot, baby you beat out Tobias!:eek: Yes very grim, trve and kElt of you :) I think it was very compassionate of you to do that. I know a bunch of people that are growing their hair for the sake of doing that, which is cool too, but any donation of hair is just fantastic. You know, Sammy Hagar did that too! *chaulk one up for Sammy in the Sammy/Dave Battle*

That's alright if you don't start grpowing your hair back right away, I still think you're sexy as hell with short hair too - which is a good thing because that means you'll be sexy with short hair when you're older too! Older men with long hair are just not sexy at all ((Sorry Gandolf)) I wish I was there right now too, damnit! *shakes fist* But even if we lived in the same town I still have 2 philosophy papers to write tonight... I suppose I should get back to them.. Everytime I think of going back to them, I have more of a reason not to! hahaha!


I beat out Tobias, too? Hahaha, excellent...I was wondering about that one, you know ;). Yes, get to those philosophy you will have a free night for me to call you :D.

And chalk one up for Sammy, indeed, as Dave doesn't have enough hair in that comb over to donate anymore!


NP: Dream Theater - Another Day