Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

yeah, i doubt lizard can really piss me off. but if he does, this is what will happen:
1) i ask him what's italian whuppass
2) i open up a big can if it on him

val (who found the one)
Originally posted by sh0kr0k
*chuckles at someone calling her man a Peter Steele look-a-like*
The gods are smiling on me :eek: I think you're a bit right..


:err: Peter Steele? Well, I don't see the resemblance...I used to get Johnny Depp a bit, though.

Originally posted by tara
Good lord, people! Am I really that ugly????
on the (distasteful) site you've taken that pic from, there are unfortunately worse ones.
what i'm wondering about is: is that a female or a male?? :confused:
Originally posted by mourningstar
on the (distasteful) site you've taken that pic from, there are unfortunately worse ones.
what i'm wondering about is: is that a female or a male?? :confused:

It's a girl...when I did an image search on Google, I specifically typed in "ugly girl" in the search box.

Oh well....I guess I should be fair and post a real photo of myself, huh?


Originally posted by Wandrail both when I had long hair, oh, anytime prior to 3 months ago, and a more recent one of me after an annoying day at work :mad:



maybe those worked...


Holy shit. :eek:
And you kind of look like Mike Patton in the second photo.
@tara: and why on earth would you want to describe yourself as an ugly girl? you were probably staring at god in that pic ( :p ) but i don't think you're ugly :) but you know, i'm a girl myself, so you might want to read others' opinions.

[btw, just a question (you must know i'm an eyebrows-obsessed): do you use a pencil on yours?]
Originally posted by mourningstar
@tara: and why on earth would you want to describe yourself as an ugly girl? you were probably staring at god in that pic ( :p ) but i don't think you're ugly :) but you know, i'm a girl myself, so you might want to read others' opinions.

[btw, just a question (you must know i'm an eyebrows-obsessed): do you use a pencil on yours?]

I do, sometimes. Not that I don't have any eyebrows left or anything but I like to them make them darker sometimes. It looks better with the black hair.
Originally posted by tara
Holy shit. :eek:
And you kind of look like Mike Patton in the second photo.

All of these comparisons are new to me...Mike patton is especially out of left field! :lol: If its meant as a compliment, thank you?
Originally posted by Unchallenged Hate
well old name came up! I'll stick with tara though as to not confuse anyone.

How annoying.
Now I'm talking to myself! Yes!
i saw mike patton some months ago. he's not that good looking anymore, imo, but for sure he didn't lose his charism...

@wandrail: did anyone tell you you look like lupin III? :lol: