Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by Wandrail really ARE bored...and I'm the one who has been stuck in the house for days on end...;)

I have been in my house since Wednesday afternoon. The last time I left was to pick up my paycheck from work.
Yes....I am really that damn bored . Pfft :(
Same here, and i've been sick since right after ProgPower a couple weeks ago, so I haven't been able to do half the crap I usually do to keep myself from boredom! D:<
Ugh. That sucks. :(

I checked out your band's website by the way. Good stuff! Much better than the horrible electronic stuff I make by myself.
Ah, thank you kindly...although, as soon as we record the upcoming cd, all previous material will -poof- vanish, as I hate it, and its too far removed from what we're doing now...and what we're doing now is what we wished we could do back then ;).
Hey, Wandrail, did you know you look like Tom Cruise, Charlie Chaplin, Lurch from the Addams family, Robin Williams, Robbie Williams, Boba Fett, Mrs Doubtfire, River Phoenix, Johnny Depp, Johnny Carson, Johnny Rotten, Pee Wee Herman, that little shit from the poltergeist movies and lots of other people?
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Hey, Wandrail, did you know you look like Tom Cruise, Charlie Chaplin, Lurch from the Addams family, Robin Williams, Robbie Williams, Boba Fett, Mrs Doubtfire, River Phoenix, Johnny Depp, Johnny Carson, Johnny Rotten, Pee Wee Herman, that little shit from the poltergeist movies and lots of other people?

Johnny Depp. :) If he looked like Johnny Depp, I wouldn't even be able to form complete thoughts!
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Hey, Wandrail, did you know you look like Tom Cruise, Charlie Chaplin, Lurch from the Addams family, Robin Williams, Robbie Williams, Boba Fett, Mrs Doubtfire, River Phoenix, Johnny Depp, Johnny Carson, Johnny Rotten, Pee Wee Herman, that little shit from the poltergeist movies and lots of other people?

Hahaha...:lol: :lol: if you squint right, I'm a dead ringer for Brad Pitt, too.
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
I've been told I look just like David Hasslehoff, only without the age, facial features or even remote likeness. I tend to agree.

Nice!!!!! Hahaha.

People have told me I resemble Liv Tyler. I don't see it though.
Originally posted by tara
Nice!!!!! Hahaha.

People have told me I resemble Liv Tyler. I don't see it though.

Yeah, i used to get the Johnny Depp thing when my hair would be just above my jawline, and even then, I don't see it. More so than Mike Patton and Pete Steele, though...
Originally posted by Wandrail
Yeah, i used to get the Johnny Depp thing when my hair would be just above my jawline, and even then, I don't see it. More so than Mike Patton and Pete Steele, though...

Shh. Johnny Depp is my man and if I even try to think of another man looking like him, I faint. :cry:
Originally posted by tara
Shh. Johnny Depp is my man and if I even try to think of another man looking like him, I faint. :cry:

Hahahaha...oh come on.


I have no good pictures of me, anywhere, but my hair was this certain length or something...see I don't think I look like Johnny Depp. So calm down. :) That's my sister, by the way.
Pffft @ the good pictures comment. Ill refrain from making any further comments though. :)
You don't look a lot like Depp but the hair style is very Depp-esque. :)
Yeah, that is a reasonable evaluation. Some people are insane. I knew a girl who DID look like Liv Tyler, except her ears were kind of bigger? Kind of like mouse ears...
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
The funny thing is that you seem at pains to say you don't look like Depp, yet you're the only one to keep mentioning it.
You can virtually smell the irony.

"Me thinks the lady doth...." :tickled:

Now he does!!!!!! I'm buzzin now though. Oh boy.... :(