Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by tara
I hope for the sake of both of them they were local at some point. I've done the whole internet relationship long-distance thing and it never worked out. :( It was too hard for me to be away from that special person for months on end.

That's what I was thinking.

By the way xeno, my class reunion thing last night was very fun AND interesting. You learn a lot of things about people after not seeing them for five years. :cry:

What happened? :(
Heh, well....I found out I could've had a chance with my high school crush. :(
I just got my pictures back from it and boy...I was drunk.
Yeah, I think he's gay or something.
People who couldn't show up with boyfriends or girlfriends just came alone. Apparently this guy has a girlfriend who he's been with for 3 years now who couldn't make it, so instead he brings along his "roommate".
He always had a lot of girlfriends in high school...maybe they were just a cover up for his sexuality?

Maybe he had so many girlfriends that he started looking for "companionship" elsewhere? I've known many straight guys to turn gay because they had terrible taste in women.

And since we're on the subject, my ten year old cousin asked a question the other day that I still laugh at today. "If gays can't have babies, how come there are so many of them?" Put that one on Kids Say The Darndest things.
Originally posted by Sonnenritter

Maybe he had so many girlfriends that he started looking for "companionship" elsewhere? I've known many straight guys to turn gay because they had terrible taste in women.

And since we're on the subject, my ten year old cousin asked a question the other day that I still laugh at today. "If gays can't have babies, how come there are so many of them?" Put that one on Kids Say The Darndest things.


Too bad my crush never gave me a chance :( though he made it sound like he wanted to. I would have kept him straight!
Originally posted by xenophobe

Internet relationship or were you both local at some time?

I would not call it an internet relationship :rolleyes: it is a form of could say we met at took a great deal of turning the matter over in my head but it seem sfar worth it to me to pursue. I have the means right now to see her regularly, relatively speaking, anyway. And I got fucking divorced this year after being with someone for 5 damn years, so I have plenty of experience of all sorts ;) ...obviously not all good...fuck, what is this, Oprah?? :mad:
Originally posted by Wandrail
.fuck, what is this, Oprah?? :mad:

If it is, it's cause you two turned it into that.

I understand the need or desire you both may have to show affection to one another, but you don't need to flood a post with it.

There ARE a few close friendships and romances going on here, but they keep it to themselves.

That's what PMs are for. :p
Originally posted by Wandrail straight man would take another man to his highschool reunion. His "roommate"...that's classic :lol:

Heheh, I figured as much. Hey, maybe he never went out with me in high school because I wasn't manly enough for his tastes! :)
Originally posted by xenophobe
You could very well be right. :yuk:

Gross....I don't even want to think about it!!!
Who knows though...he kept looking at me Saturday night. Maybe he wanted to borrow my furry sweater?