Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

@sexualist death: sorry? what for? there's really no problem. actually, i like to know girls like him :D

@slaughterofsoul: and to keep your arse's good old habits, you're sitting here taping, mh? ;)
There's a website with these three pics of me, but I'm really, really wasted and I fortunatly don't look this terribly normally. It didn't show up when I put it in the image brackets, so you'll have to press the links:

Venessa Paradis was also the chick who made that song in '88 or something "Jeuy le taxi" or however it was spelled and she dances next to a taxi in the video! She also dated Lenny Kravitz at some point. She's also an actress and starred for instance in "The girl on the bridge".
Originally posted by Hearse
Taked this pic myself... so that should explain... erh.. somethin... :lol:

That you possess psycho-kinetic powers or that you have a hidden but very long third arm? (actually, that sounds more salacious than it's meant to).
Either one of those or it shows you have a camera with a timer!
That's it! Yeah?! What do I win??!
@hearse: you can send that pic to dolce & gabbana, i bet they will ask you if you want to work for them. as a photographer :p
me, with my beautiful hands, could very well be a model. for rings :lol: